
Monday 1 December 2014

Naughty November

Naughty because I bought another twelve 28mm figures this month, but nice as it's the first month since I started to keep track that I have painted more than I have bought. Even so I have actually painted less this month than I would have liked but with the amount of time I have spent on Hougoumont and prep work for the Analogue Painting Challenge I can't complain.

The only things I painted in 6mm this month was buildings and boy did I paint some buildings. Both Hougoumont's and another set of Napoleonic buildings yet to be shown netting me a total of twenty five buildings. Still leaves me on plus 24 as I have had two large orders of buildings arrive in the last two months. My aim is to get the last 24 done during the challenge so next three months.
So 6mm looks like this

Infantry +2 Battalions. 
Cavalry +12 regiments
Elephants +6
Guns and Crew +8
Buildings +24
Wagons +4
Planes +9

This month I plan to paint up at least four battalions, four regiments of cavalry and the eight guns and possibly a limber. Building wise I will have to paint up eight to be on track for the 24 I have mentioned above.

20mm remains plus 96 being the ones I bought from The Works a few weeks ago and a project that may get some treatment during the challenge though they remain in their boxes for now.

28mm has seen the best movement, I painted up sixteen figures to set against the twelve I bought and the three I carried over from the month before for a minus 1 to the lead pile. I have prepped over 30 28's so expect some success on the pile in December. I also painted up one building and two horses all of which will feature later on the blog.

Infantry -1
Horses Flat
Buildings Plus 4
Coffins +2

32mm Remains on +11 infantry which will not get looked at till post challenge unless I really get the urge.

So not a massive reduction but the corner is being turned. The only possible figures I should get in December being my Secret Santa so should see the Lead Pile get a reasonable dent. Indeed other that getting the rest of the new Baccus French I don't see many reasons to get more figures till after the challenge, lets see.

Talking of Challenge here is what I have prepped, a few more bits to be done before it kicks off on Friday.

Box 1, thirty odd 28mm Vikings, a bunch of 15mm Romans and a few 6mm Prussian guns and cavalry.

Some 28's prepped for last years challenge and a few cowboys.More 15mm, this time Thracian infantry, more Prussians in 6mm and the rest of the Zulu's that I hope to get finished in the challenge. Will I get all of them done? Probably not but I am hoping for the majority and other bits as they take my fancy.


  1. Looking good on the preparation front Ian. I wish I'd thought to put all mine in some boxes, instead they're scattered about on shelves and in drawers. Nice mixture of scale and genre too to keep you going. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. good luck with the Challenge :-)

    1. Thanks, the problem is that I am sure I have another box with a load of Romans in from last year here somewhere (No I am not kidding)

      The different scales and periods will give me lots of changes, plus I still plan to paint buildings, both 6mm and 28mm during the three months as well.


  2. Looks like you're gonna be a busy boy!!!

    1. Still have 24 WWII 28's and 96 20mm's to prep yet. But not all will get painted


  3. Replies
    1. I'd get more done if it was not for all the gaming I am doing at the moment, a game a week right now ;-)


  4. Interesting bunch of figures. Good luck for the challenge with them !

    1. Thanks Stefan, your stash looks a good bunch as well


  5. Progress mde Ian.. but wait until you see what Santa brings ya!!

    1. Yes I know, could set me back months LOL. I am making good progress on getting the 6mm buildings down though.


  6. Looks like you are well setup for a few weeks work there Ian! Good luck for the challenge!

    1. Possible a couple of months. Not all will be done and other things will creep into the line up. Already I am thinking 6mm pike block LOL


  7. Nice lot of prep Ian. Good luck with the Challenge :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin you too, hope the rain holds off


  8. Eclectic mix of figures to start the Challenge. The variety will help stave off boredom.

    Best wishes in the Challenge!

    1. In truth I don't get board even when I do the same figures time after. But yes the mix should help especially for the followers given the 6mm focus to date in the last year or two


  9. Good job Ian that's good progress! Good luck in the challenge.

    1. Thanks hope to beat last year but that could be tough. Depends on how much 6mm I do as I tend to do those quite slow compared t a 15mm


  10. I also have quite some stuff already prepped from last years challenge but for this year I won't do any more preparations as I'll probably change my mind about what I want to do anyway.

    1. Glad it's not just me. I will do other things as well as I am looking forward to being able to do what I want rather than set plans.

      I could yet do a pike block or two in 15mm in the later stages having played with the 15mm recently


  11. Good Luck in the challenge. I will look out for your 6mm stuff with great interest.

    1. Well the Napoleonic's will certainly get done but the Zulu's will have to wait till I have done some other bits then it may be I do the lot in one go, that's a lot of 6mm LOL



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