
Monday 15 December 2014

New Baccus French Old Guard

A couple of months back I bought the newly released Baccus Old Guard Infantry (NFR28 + NFR29) and both the French Guard Foot (NFR33T) and Horse (HFR34S) Artillery. Finally I got round to painting them as part of my first submission to the painting challenge.

I just painted up the one Battalion for now as I do not need to paint up the Guard for Project Waterloo as they were in Lee's part of the plan. They are painted and just waiting on being based. Typical of Baccus they needed virtually no cleaning and were quite sharp.

They were a reasonably fast paint and the other three Battalions in the pack will at some point find their way onto my desk. I actually think these are slightly better figures than the other French infantry that have been released by Baccus. Maybe it's because the bearskins but I just found them that bit more crisp and with the moustache clearly visible I just felt they gave that little bit more. Not that I can fault the other new releases you understand.

I also don't actually have a use for yet more French Guard Artillery but as I planned to paint up all the new French releases I just had to get a pack of both the Foot and the Horse Artillery. I did stop at buying the howitzer options though. Again nice figures that will now sit in a box awaiting the further painting of the rest of the Guard sometime in the future.

The only issue with these is one of the crew is massive in comparison to the rest this being the rammer though not really noticeable on the table. The foot are 12ld's as seen in the above two pictures whilst the horse is 6lb and is noticeable.

The crew of the Horse Artillery have the sabretache which sets them apart from the foot crews. The crews and guns of both sets look good and are a nice addition to the range.

Baccus have already released three more Guard Cavalry designs I hope to have by Christmas and have a few more codes to release before they will call time on the expansion and re-sculpting of the French range but this should all be done in 2015 a fitting tribute to the anniversary of Waterloo.


  1. One of the things I love about all this blogging is that some people clearly are masters of different scales and genres, and I get a lot of inspiration and encouragement from seeing their stuff. You Sir are clearly a master of the Napoleonic 6mm :-)

    1. Why thank you that is a really big compliment,


    2. Nothing but the truth though. Your 6mm stuff is inspirational Ian.

    3. Give over guys you will make me blush :-)

      Really grateful for these comments though


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, not much more to follow well maybe


  3. Its good to see the Old Guard in all its glory, lovely work there Ian

    1. Was over at Lee's earlier he has the Old Guard on the bench that will be used in our game, looks bloody gorgeous


  4. I strongly agree with you, the new sculpts are great!
    ...and nice Paintjob!

    1. I have painted up a fair number and still they make me smile must do some more then I guess


  5. Another great job, they look wonderful!

    1. Thanks Phil

      I have something I want to get done during the challenge that hopefully will look the business


  6. Excellent additions! I'm always impressed by what people can create in such tiny scales.

    1. It's easier than you might think.

      I actually here this a lot and my view is that you should try it as you might be surprised with what you can achieve.

      More on this in the future though ;-)



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