
Wednesday 3 December 2014

Viking Bow by Black Tree Miniatures

Finally got round to adding to my Saga force, not quite enough to give me a full unit of levies but I will be painting up four slingers in the coming week or so to go with these eight.

The end ones look to be bent over but it's tricks of the camera as they stand straight but how the work surface is and the angle of the figures makes them look odd.

I like Black Tree, their WWII are some of the best 28mm (not so much a fan of some of the French) and I do like these Vikings. Some have a few nice touches. I have about twenty left to paint in total which are all prepped ready for Friday.

These were actually used the other day, should have an AAR sorted out tomorrow if all goes well. Most of my figures seem to be running around or reaching for arrows, none of them seem to want to shoot anyone, they must have read the rules regards their chances of hitting anything.

Turned out a little darker than originally planned but not disappointed with the result. All part of the black undercoat really. Happiest with the yellow as that's always the bane colour. Vallejo flat yellow in case your interested.

I wanted all eight to be different poses which is why I also bought the four slingers as BT only do eight poses (not that eight is a small number). Some of the figures have simular poses but different heads etc. certainly don't look clones to me.

Very nice flow to the figures and clothing, more time spent on them would really pay dividends though the results of a quick paint works for me as they are to be used mostly for games with my son, though Lee is also building a force up as well so hopefully will see a fair bit of play.

Some of these will also get the odd roleplaying session as NPC's got to get your monies worth after all. Talking of which, they are not expensive figures but at times of the big sales they are probably the best value outside plastics you will get for SAGA figures.

Cleaning wise they are reasonably clean, the odd one needing a bit more work but most needing little work at all. They paint up quickly as well as the brush can flow across the detail, the surface is smooth as brush wear is kept down. I am certainly happy with the experience of painting these guys and looking forward to the next batch during the challenge


  1. Replies
    1. Plenty more to go at, just need to get them on the table, of course getting to use them the other day was a good incentive


  2. Great stuff Ian. Those minis look very nice indeed. Looking forward to the AAR and seeing what you;ve got lined up for Friday and Day one of the Challenge :-)

    1. AAR should be tomorrow before going over to Kev's and getting in another game


  3. Really nice! The one in the red trouser on the last pic looks a little bit like he urgently has to visit the bushes.

    1. LOL - hadn't spotted that model's pose until you pointed it out :-)

    2. To be fair he was facing a unit of warriors in that Saga game


  4. They turned out well. The yellow definitely came out as more of a natural fabric color

    1. Thanks always the worry with yellow


  5. Very very nice work there Ian!

    1. Cheers, next up will be the last of the needed 6mm but I will mix in some Vikings along the way



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