
Monday 19 January 2015

Black Tree Viking's for Saga (1 Point)

One of the plans for early 2015 is to build up my Saga Vikings for fighting against my Son and Lee when he gets his troops painted (hint hint). As such I had programmed a fair few into my Analogue Challenge prep work,, indeed I still have another sixteen figures ready to be painted in the coming two months. All figures are the very nice Black Tree Miniatures

Leader of this points worth of warriors is this guy. I wanted him to look suitably commanding so wanted to do my best on his shield so painted up this two headed dragon that came out a lot better than I expected as free hand is not exactly my strong suit.

The strange pose of this figure with the arm held close to the body had me stumped for a short while and then I thought why not have him wounded and quickly came up with the idea f a discarded shield, blooded tunic and blood running down his hand. Again it came out much as I had planned which is not the normal run of things here.

I used basic block painting with a wash of GW Agrax Earthshade followed by highlighting with the original colour. It's been suggested on the Challenge post that I should add a further colour to the highlight to lift it further so will try that with the next lot.

I painted a mix of hair colours, most dirty blond but a few with brown hair as well. I again went for the brighter colours and all but the first two have a more basic colour trim to their tunics as I figure lesser warriors would have less money to spend on fashion.

I also wanted to have a mix of more basic shield designs with some more complex. The slingers just had the basic designs befitting there lower warrior status (levies) whilst these would have to earn their crust in the shield wall, well the back rows but still.

The guy in the centre really reminds me of someone I worked with in the past, something I rather like. The poses are a little strange in a few cases whilst others are really good but the overall look of individuals rather than same pose different head is well worth the odd pose.

The yellow came through much better with the adding of the highlights and turned a problematic colour into a nice solid finish, glad I put in the extra effort, not that it was THAT much more effort.

Love the back of the shields that allow the wood grain to show with just a black base and light drybrush. Also the extra detail such as the knife held by two straps really help make the finished figure more interesting.

Lastly a very nice long house that Loki gave my son for Christmas (along with much more), really helped to make my sons day so thanks mate, I only borrowed it for the pics.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Happy, you like a god Viking then?


  2. Lovely colours on cracking miniatures - it must be nice to mix up the painting queue from time to time.

    1. I am loving the opportunity to paint just what I want at the moment, the only problem is that I keep changing my mind what will be next on the table


  3. Very nice job on all these warriors - the wounded one is very original, you "read" the mini perfectly :) Cheers!

    1. Thanks, bet he dies as son as he gets on the table LOL


  4. Lovely work there and the free hand design on the shield is great and looks more realistic than transfers. Nice colour palette too. Thats also very nice of Loki and a lovely house

    1. Great of Loki for sure. That boat of yours has got me thinking.......


  5. Some very nice looking figures Ian.

    1. Thanks Ray, how is the sandbag filling coming along? ;-)


  6. Nice job Ian, the wounded figure really looks the part. Good bit of free hand on the shields too :-)

    1. Cheers Paul, keep trying to stretch the skills as freehand is not a strng point of mine


  7. The free hand double headed dragon is impressive. I do love the wounded spearman.

    1. Thanks Robert, as I mentioned my freehand is a weaker part of my work so I am happy it came out as it did and will continue to do this type to try and improve


  8. Beautiful colors, great shields...and you're right, the back of the shields are amazing, so realistic!

    1. The Gripping Beast shield backs also have a good grain that really comes through with a little ink added


  9. Nice looking figures Ian. What are the Black Tree mini's like to paint up? I was thinking about adding a few to my stalled Arthurian project later in the year. Quite a few 6mm figures to do before that though ;o)

    1. I really like painting them, a few of the older (I assume) models have that horrible bit f lead between arm and body but mostly on some of the WWII ranges. I like the faces and level of equipment such as rifle slings on the WWII and purses on the park age figures, really finishes them and des not add that much time to the painting either

  10. beautiful painting work !!
    the shields are impressive : awesome hand painting !
    And I like the choice of colours
    all of that is a great source of inspiration for me....
    thanks !

    1. Glad you like them still have a few packs worth to do



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