
Saturday 31 January 2015

January Tally

Old Photo, it's been a long time since it was THIS clear
Well the first month of the year has flown by but it's taken a lump of lead with it. The Challenge has certainly helped get a deep cut into the lead pile though I have added a few bits.

Thanks to Matt's Zulus I have managed to get through fifteen battalions worth of infantry so over the last two months I have managed to reduce the pile by eighteen battalions. Please remember this next week when I talk about what I bought at York tomorrow.
Cavalry remains an issue as I have not painted a single one so remain plus twelve. This will change in February as I have a number of units earmarked.
Command and Elephants remain Plus 14/6 but should get some love soon.
I have painted up another three buildings this week, should be posted about soon so reduced the pile to Plus seven but tomorrow will see a big increase again, but I can't feel bad about it LOL.
Wagons and planes remain plus 3/9 and look to remain static.

I've not bought any 15mm for well over a year and it's been nearly as long since I painted any prior to December so it was great to get working on them again in earnest. I managed 102 infantry this month and will get more done in Feb. Cavalry may get their chance before the month is out and will certainly get time before the Challenge ends.

Overall I have gained 114 infantry, (three boxes of Celt's) but they will also get a look in soon so hopefully this will flatten off quickly, though I might get some WWII Russians at York.
I also have six cavalry also Celt and these will be sorted soon.
The three tanks I received for Christmas have been painted so all in all the new face of the mountain looks to be containable.

Infantry continue to drop in number with only one figure bought in Jan and nine painted. As I have nineteen more almost finished February should be another good month for getting the 28's very much reduced.
I still have the four cowboy buildings to paint up and hope to get to them soon.

32mm I have not touched these but post March I intend to start on them, when I do I am in no rush and will just enjoy painting them, being the excellent Arena Rex gladiators I intend to do them justice.

I have though a new section covering figures I have agreed to paint up for mates, all these are 6mm and I could not add them to my own tally as they would break my resolve, at this moment they amount to

34 Battalions of Infantry
23 Regiments of Cavalry
33 command figures
10 guns and crew 
3 full sets of limbers

Plans for February.
I have a big itch for some 6mm, I will paint up some of my Son's Napoleonic British and start on Steve's British. I also would like to do some of the French for the Command and Colours but they are down the list a fair bit. I would like to get some ECW and Ancients done but Feb. only has four weeks LOL
I would like to finish off the Roman infantry in 15mm and start the Celt's in 20mm, that I think I can manage.
28mm will probably get no further than finishing off what I have already started and maybe some of those western buildings but that's a stretch.


  1. So, not too much to do then! Good luck with your work load Ian!

    1. It all went out the window at the show LOL


  2. You're not going to be bored any time soon now are you? :-)

    1. No, I have far too many things to dip into, just need to keep finishing a unit before setting off into something else.


  3. Wow. Impressive production there.

    1. I have been driven by the challenge but plan to take a few days off and then it's on with the new and current toys


  4. Replies
    1. February will see a down turn but I have plenty left in the tank, just a combination of short month and lots of commitments will see a downturn


  5. Hola
    Buen año te espera
    Estaremos atentos
    un saludo

    1. Gracias, espero tener mucho hacer este año


  6. I enjoy seeing pictures like these. And good golly, the first month already gone. Whoosh.

    1. My table now is REALLY untidy, I dare not show you a photo of it as it is at the moment



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