
Thursday 15 January 2015

T34 Secret Santa Ready To Roll

I always like to get me Secret Santa painted (if applicable) as soon as I can after Christmas to show my appreciation of the gift and as such I was keen to get the T34's done in January. The fact that they are also great looking models also helped.

These are Plastic Soldier Company 1/76 scale T34's for the new project I am working on. These should see service both at Kev's Cabin and Lee's fortress. So far I have painted up a bx of Revell infantry and now these tanks. The tanks were hands down the best experience of the two.

You get a mix of equipment and also the option of adding the 76L turret or the 85L turret. I especially like that you can fit either at any time allowing it to be twice as useful and save the money on buying two versions. The detail is crisp and the tanks went together well,, every stage was a pleasant experience and something I will be happy to do again in the not so distant future when I buy other tank types.

I could not help myself but add a few tank riders to one of the tanks and as such had kept back a few models from the figures previously blogged about.

I also used a hot pin to make a slight grove in the turret from a glancing blow, maybe that's why everyone is jumping off?

I put the tanks on bases so they would be a little safer when being transported and in this case allow for the infantry to be added as part of the model. 

As you can see I am rather pleased with my tank riders little dio, I still need to buy some support elements and this will probably be done at York, or at least looked into. 

Here we have the same tanks but with an upgrade of the 85L turret, a much bigger turret and barrel. Somehow looks a lot meaner.

I have painted up a commander for each of the turret types allowing me to use that one as the command tank if desired. That said the early T34 could not fire whilst the commander was half out of the turret as he was also the gunner!

So a BIG thank you to my Secret Santa, you helped make a good day better when I opened up the parcel and I hope you like what I did with the gift. Already looking forward to this years event.


  1. This a very cool thing ya'll do, Secret Santa stuff.

    1. Very cool, love to read others experiences as well


  2. Superb stuff, I'm sure your Santa will be thrilled at what you've done with their gift to you. Love the base work too Ian.

    1. Really enjoyed doing them and they were quick to do as well


  3. Very nice job - the jumping infantry adds life to the "hot pin" tank! Cheers!

    1. I had the idea whilst painting up the infantry a week or so before as some of the figures shouted out to be used


  4. Nice job! The still-camera action photo in your diorama is outstanding! I can imagine the tank taking a glancing shot and all of the passengers dive off in search of cover.

    With respect to Secret Santa tribute, I agree. My S.S. gift is coming off the painting desk soon.

  5. Very well done Ian! You really brought these to life.

  6. I really love your tank riders. You've built a great diorama there. The movement and action really make that tank stand out over the several hundred other T34's I've seen.

    1. Thanks, I don't want t put them into storage boxes just yet :-)


  7. Excellent work on those. Secret Santa will be satisfied. ;-)

  8. Lovely work Ian, the posing of the infantry really brings the models to life.

    1. Cheers Peter, How they will look in a game will be interesting


  9. Very nice job! The added bases with infantry really lift them up to the next level! Great work!

    1. Cheers Samuli, I plan to add a fair few more bits to the army over this year


  10. Nice paintjobs Ian, but shouldn't the turrets have numbers and those tank riders should all have SMGs and that one jumping off... *smirk*

    1. Your a naughty girl and you know it ;-)


  11. Truly impressive Ian, love the paint job and your great work on the bases, splendid!

    1. Thanks Phil, It's strange that I use the same base technique for 28 down to 6mm


  12. Nice Santa gift and really nice painting. Nice baseing too. Cheers

    1. Thanks Brendan, I fill be doing other tanks and such using the same style



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