
Monday 23 February 2015

Mini Tanks of Greyness

Well my Ancients project continues to provide me with fun painting opportunities and today it's my ElleePanzers that are up for review. Baccus provide the lead again, you get them either in packs of two or you can buy double packs. Whilst officially Hail Caesar elephants are in singles and the base is half the size of a normal unit. Not mine I tell you, I have three elephants to a base and it's the width of a normal unit. Risky having not tried the rules with this house rule but I am reasonably confident we can fudge it.

As you will know if you have read the other posts, I want the Ancient armies to look just that, so most units will need lots of figures on the bases, I want the feel of mass to come across. I am also working on the whole with a brighter pallet than you will be used to seeing with my 6mm. Again it's for the whack you between the eyes effect.

I added escorts to the base, when we play I can either have them or have the elephants without the support and just ignore them. Not sure if I will end up buying more elephants in the future, depends on how big the army gets I guess. I am also pleased to say that' Matt's resolve is weakening, he has gone from No way in hell am I buying into this to piss off, I think that's progress  ;-)

Here we have them with the Saka Horse Archers that I painted up at the same time, they are on 60x60 bases whilst the elephants are on 60x40. I am also in the last stages of finishing eight units of light infantry (there is a story in that), some big artillery eight skirmish units and four casualty markers so plenty more to follow in the near future.

I am really happy how this project is generating it's own mass and how my vision of what I want is coming to reality. Nothing has been cast in stone and being prepared to alter to suit reality is making me more keen rather than putting me off a little.

I think the Challenge is greatly to thank for the boost this project is getting and I hope to have examples of all the units I have bought painted up before the challenge ends in just over three weeks. I also now have enough figures for another three 96 figure phalanx's, would be great to get these painted up before the challenge finishes but I think that's beyond me if I plan to paint anything else.


  1. Whats the fun of playing 6mm if you can't get the massed look. I thin the elephants look great.

    1. Thanks, I am aiming for a lot long term, possibly 1000 pike over 10 units, that would look great


  2. This project is moving along rather nicely. Ellies look great!

    1. It's moving faster than was my intention as it's supposed to be a side project and I was not really expecting anyone else to join in. If Lee does it will be a big bonus.


  3. 6mm really ?? they look like a larger scale !! great painting work on those so tiny figures !

    1. Thanks Sam, I am lucky that I seem to have a good balance between detail and finish.


  4. Great painting and basing on these wee guys Ian!

    1. I have more in the Challenge that are not so wee, some kick ass stone throwers


  5. Those really look the business! Nice one.

    1. Cheers Roy, I am hoping to use them to carve up Lee's Romans


  6. Well they are just adorable, great job Ian.

    1. Adorable? A Bloody Dorable?

      Thanks ;-)


  7. Replies
    1. I saw some at a show about three years ago, about 8-10 on a base and a few bases, they really were what started to make me think, I wish I was doing it in 6mm


  8. Very well done! The ellies look fabulous.

    1. Thanks, I am looking forward to some group shots



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