
Sunday 22 March 2015

Baccus British and Hanoverian Infantry

I should catch up with the final submissions for the Analogue Challenge over this week. I may even have a unit or three finished by Friday of new stuff but I am making no promises.

These ten Battalions can be added to the four painted a few weeks before and complete the British standard Infantry for the Reserve Corp. I still need to paint up three Battalions in kilts, one Rifle Battalion and a further six battalions of Hanoverian's. This coming week should see the Hanoverian segment at least started but possibly even finished, I even have the flags for them!

It's great that I am getting to base them as well, though I have just found out I need to also paint up the skirmishers for them as well on 30x30 bases so will need to get these ordered for Steve to pick up at Salute.

These three battalions are 1st Battalion 32nd Regiment, 1st Battalion 28th Regiment and 2nd Battalion 44th Regiment.

The lovely blue Colour's belong to 3rd Battalion 1st Regiment and 1st Battalion 4th Regiment. The 1st Regiment received one of the blue colours from the Baccus Guard flag sheet as it most represented their colour's from the flag sheets I had and are a good fit.

These brave boys are the 1st Battalion of the 27th Regiment and 2nd Battalion of the 81st Regiment. These colours are more vibrant than the earlier buff coloured colours. I am working from my list so hope I have noted them correctly, though I know they are labelled correctly on the figures bases.

Last but not least for the British is the 1st Battalion of the 40th Regiment. I did have a second white colour to add to the previously painted bunch which was on the flag sheet Kev got for me from Baccus at Hammerhead.

Since posting these on the Challenge blog I have managed to get them flagged after Lee supplied me with some flags he has left over from his mass flagging session. I have enough Hanoverian flags to flag up the last six Battalions so have no excuse not to get on with them soon. I plan to do a little conversion work to mix in a few caps into the other units to make them stand out that bit more. Lets see if that lasts beyond contact with reality.

Once I have these done I will probably move onto the cavalry rather than wait for the Salute reinforcements, that or the artillery. Well that and my son's as I really need to get these started for him but I will want to fit in a few bases for myself somewhere in the mix.


  1. Excellent work Ian! Can't wait to see the rest of the Hanoverian's!

    1. Thanks Ray, not that long to wait as I am half way through the figures in front of them.


  2. Great work love these little guys.

    1. Thanks, will be seeing plenty more as I have at least twelve battalions to do for my son. Going to fit in a few more French and Prussian battalions into the mix having done so few in the last three months


  3. Marvellous. Absolutely marvellous. you continue to be the King of 6mm Napoleonics, and long may you reign :-)

    1. Oh I have a lot to learn from some of the true Kings of 6mm, I may be King of the churn though as I do get plenty out the door LOL


  4. Outstanding! These Brits and Germans are some of my favorites popping out from your work stable.

    1. Cheers, I am pleased with them as it's my first bash at the British


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin, working back in 15mm right now, back to the little guys later in the week


  6. Impressive stuff and they look great on mass.

    1. Thanks, these will be for a Waterloo game late in the year, I have done a load for another Waterloo game that hopefully will really have mass effect, just got the boards and about twenty buildings to finish and were good to go


  7. Replies
    1. I hope the owner thinks so, I need to get the order into Baccus for the rest of the figures for him. Will be taking these over in a week or so so should find out


  8. Most impressive! Your basing really brings them to live.

    1. Thanks, that basing style is now the only one I do with slight modifications for scale



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