
Monday 16 March 2015

Best Laid Plans and Roman's.

The end of the challenge always is a bit difficult for me. Last year I lost 4 days to Heroes ASL tournament and then my Birthday. This year I swapped the four days for just one (Mothers Day) but looks like that one day will spin out beyond as I have burnt my hand bad enough that I can't use it, at least for a few days but possibly longer de[pendant on how the blistering works out. So please read this post slowly as I can't type fast with one hand    ;-)

To go with the light horse I have also painted up a couple of  their heavier brethren. First up more Equites. These are really nice looking figures and again I wanted them to stand out quite a lot so went with a light blue cloak and a deeper blue shield.

These are armed with Light Spear and are Swordsmen so should be able to stand up to most of what they have to face.

Some of the few troops in the army that you can see any armour so needed a shot of it to show it off. I can add two more bases to make it a six base unit if desired.

The heavy hitters, Equities Catafractari, Lancers and Swordsmen what more could you wish for? Well the figures are armed with bow as well!

Again these can have an extra two bases which would make them expensive but so much more dangerous. The horses are a little bit chunky which obviously works with cataphracts. 

I was hoping to finish the Roman's off this week but that's looking unlikely at best, still I have enough figures painted to cross the 2K mark though getting them flagged is also looking a long shot but as I have loads of flags I may give it a whirl. 


  1. Good luck I would hate for you to fall short because of a cooking accident.

    1. Thanks, I have the points painted to hit the 2K, submitted them this morning but looks to be the last I will do. Very pleased with the numbers


  2. Great looking bunch! Wishing your hand a speedy recovery!

    1. Cheers, it's a work in progress LOL


  3. Nice job! And good luck with your hand...

    1. Thanks Phil,

      expect to finish the rest within the next two weeks


  4. Best wishes for a swift recovery!

    1. Cheers, it's like having a plastic hand at the moment, when that skin comes off I think will be mardy time ;-)


  5. Replies
    1. Hopefully the worst was at the time, expect it to be quite sore when I start to shred skin



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