
Tuesday 24 March 2015

La Belle Alliance Face Off

OK this is actually light hearted so please don't take a fence (or hedge) on the following....

I decided some time ago that the only reviews worth a jot are those that you actually paint up the figures, buildings etc. Too often something is rather dull looking but paints up lovely or you find on painting that a strap somehow goes missing on one side of the mini whilst it's bold as brass on the other side. So after painting these fine models what's my thoughts?

Well as I expected both painted up well with plenty of detail and the sculpting made the job easy for both. Small details are different on the models such as the shutters and some of the windows as you can see from the picture above. I chose not to paint the black lower brick section on the Leven models as that looks to be a modern change same as the grey roof tiles that I missed off entirely. However the black trim is almost a must on the Timecast version as mentioned in the earlier post.

There is a slight difference to the small chimney stack as well, I like the way the Leven one pokes over the edge of the roof but that's just a personal taste rather than one is more accurate that the other. One point of correction to my previous post (and reason painting is important) the Leven building does have a slight plinth type edge to it but fortunately can be painted over. I would advise to remove it if possible from production as I know the other Leven buildings don't have it and may be a nod at the black lower wall of the modern building. In all it's a small quibble.

It's round the back that Timecast has an advantage over the Leven building, whilst I doubt the items stacked out back would have long disappeared by the time the battle was fought they really do add to the model and with a bit of effort painting the crates up in different colours you can have a nice distraction. Again slight differences such as the windows set them apart a little but again without actually pointing to one being the better.

So at the end of the day not a lot separates these two models from each other. With the Timecast building 25% larger it may attract the 10mm gamer more for those who scale down. Those who want to pack the table full with figures and fight Waterloo then maybe the Leven one would be the choice. I think I prefer the Timecast roof finish over the Leven model but I stress that it's no deal clencher and I repeat that if I could I would have a finish somewhere between Timecasts neat rows and Leven's lived in look. In neither case would I be put off buying the model and in many cases the Leven roof style really is a selling point for me.

As you can see from these Adler cavalry both fit the scale well if at different ends of it. Leven tip the balance for me in regards purchasing, but do so with the view that Leven have a range already in place to support Waterloo and beyond which is crucial. I have a bunch of Timecast buildings and they are actually the better models in isolation but 6mm seems to have become a backwater for Timecast whilst it's the lifeblood of Leven. Leven also continue to expand both the Napoleonic range but also plenty of others including other new ranges I am unable to speak of. In all honesty their is so little to choose between the two models and will be very much down to what you already own but if your just starting out or wanting to refresh then it's a no brainer, it has to be Leven as they whip everyone on the key points of price, range and future releases.

On a slight change of topic but related, See note below and thanks to Tamsin for bringing it to my attention) Total Battle Miniatures have stated they will be releasing Waterloo buildings this year and whilst they are a closer fit to Timecast than Leven no sign of these buildings yet and with the anniversary coming on fast they need to get cracking if they want them on the table painted in time for all those games that will be going off through this year.

Typical I checked yesterday and did not see anything but I can report they have released a rather large range that you can see here. Please note these have a smaller footprint than the typical TBM buildings so as to work with big games. Not sure if they will fit with their other buildings by just having less buildings or that they have made the buildings smaller. Looks to me to be a mix of the two. Again thanks to Tamsin for bringing this to my attention.


  1. Excellent reveiw

    1. Thanks Roy, feel I really should buy the TBM one as well :-)


  2. Just saw this on TMP:

    So TBM have got theirs released in time

    1. Typical I look and see nothing just the day before LOL.

      Thanks for the heads up, quite a range they have got


  3. Nice review and nicely painted Ian :)

    1. Thanks again Tamsin, both lent themselves to the paint


  4. Nice post Ian, Its's weird how they're both 6mm and such a different size???

    1. I don't think it's that weird when you consider the different sizes of the available 6mm figures being mostly anything but 6mm. Irregular and Heroics and Ross being on the small size with Baccus larger and Adler that bit bigger again.

      I also suspect Leven's original buildings (the airfield items) were made to fit the H&R whilst Timecast would have matched up to Baccus and Adler



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