
Friday 20 March 2015

Vth Analogue Challenge Cool Down & Presents

So another Painting Challenge comes to an end and poor Curt can try and gather his breath post mayhem of the final days submissions.
I am really pleased with this years results having painted up a rather epic number of figures and gaining 2025 points, slightly over my revised aim and twice that of the original expected score. At the start I wanted to finish in the top twenty, something I thought might be a task given the original 71 painters under starters orders. I revised that to hoping to stay in the top ten and was really surprised and pleased that I managed to finish ninth, so the final figure count:-

Fifty Four 28mm Infantry
Two 28mm Mounted

Thirty Eight 20mm Infantry
Three 20mm Tanks

Two Hundred and Eight 15mm Infantry
Forty Eight 15mm Cavalry

One Thousand and Seventy Two 6mm Infantry
Forty Four 6mm Mounted Figures
Sixty Four Crew and Sixteen guns in 6mm

Not the best number of 6mm figures during the challenge but fairly close and a figure I am happy with. As for the 15mm I don't think I have ever done so many in a three month period.

So a great challenge and as always a great deal of thanks and applause for Curt who is systematically sending wargamers bust all over the globe ;-)

I also mentioned presents in the post title. Wednesday was my Birthday and I got the latest expansion for Command & Colours Napoleonic, that being the Prussians from the wife and kids. Spent Wednesday evening putting the stickers on and will be taking it for a test drive tonight with my son.

Being a difficult bugger to buy for I mostly got gaming tokens (hard cash) but my sister went out on a limb and bought me Wolf Hall in the hope it would be of interest. I think she scored on this, yet to start it but I have been spending lots of time trying to get through my current novel so as to be able to get this one started. It's especially nice to get something like this when you know so much thought (and worry) went into it's selection and whilst the money to spend on the hobby is really good getting something like this is even better :-)


  1. Great effort on the painting, and there's nothing quite like someone really choosing a book for you.

    1. Indeed, I have started to read it and so far it's proving quite a read. It's not a book I would have picked for myself so it's a real bonus that I am getting to read and enjoy it.


  2. Nice pressies! :)

    Congrats on 9th place. We had a good tussle for places in the middle stages of the Challenge which definitely spurred me on. Apologies for all the dust I kicked up toward the end :)

    1. It was a pleasure watching you paint your way to sixth and the fact I was keeping pace with you in the earlier stages made up for being such a poor racing partner in last years challenge.


  3. your 6mm work was outstanding and we had quite back and forth down the stretch that helped spur me on.

    1. Thanks Adam, I gained a fair bit of enthusiasm from our place swapping during the mid and late challenge run, looking forward to next years run, not sure what will be on my table then though


  4. Ian, like a few of the other blogs I follow, yours has been an inspiration over these past few months Ref Hobbies challenge. Some cracking posts and great painting have really helped keep me going, so many thanks indeed. Happy Birthday and enjoy that c&c expansion :-)

    1. Wow Simon that's quite some praise, your work is inspirational too, I am looking forward to Curt's calculation on how much money went into this years figure total.


  5. That's a blooming lot of figures! And happy birthday!

    1. Well I finished ninth with first place over double the points and as he worked in 28mm would be roughly 820 foot figures (but mounted were also submitted each equalling 2 foot figures) and what's more all the top finishes work was excellent


  6. How are the C&CN expansions? I've only got the base set.

    1. Not played any yet. The good news is that you don't have to play them in order of release so I got the Prussians as they are the best price at the moment.

      The other nations have rules to give a period feel to them. I am expecting to get all the releases if my son remains a fan. Now off to play the game we did not get round to last night ;-)


  7. Congrats on a great outcome and fantastic challenge Ian! It was wonderful to watch it all unfold, but not as much fun as competing last year (in my own modest way). I loved the 6mm stuff in particular as I start my own new project in 6mm, the ECW.

    Well done!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, well you will be seeing plenty more ECW in 6mm here as I continue to add to both Lee's and my collections


  8. You had a terrific challenge, Ian. Looking forward to following your work post-Challenge. I read Wolf Hall last year and like Hilary Mantel's work a lot, I am sure you will enjoy it and will want to get the sequel.
    Best, Michael

    1. I did have a great challenge, just finished eight 6mm buildings so will be jumping back onto the figures tomorrow

      I am finding I am liking the book the further I get into it, I think it's quite possible the sequel will make my pile sometime soon


  9. A great effort again this year Ian. I've really enjoyed seeing you 6mm stuff particularly once again. I've just dipped my toe into C&C Naps. I fear it is the beginning of a long and slow slide into collecting the lot :-)

    1. Nothing close to your effort I am lost for words to describe what you top flight guys managed to produce during the challenge and to the quality level that alone was worth following the challenge for.

      C&C, well it only has four expansions so far and the Prussians has n=only just come out so it's reasonably inexpensive compared to some games I had best not mention *cough-asl-cough* One or more expansions is/has been reprinted so no need to pay silly money for them either


  10. Happy belated birthday and well done on your totals for the challenge.


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