
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Baccus British cavalry

Several days of madness were required to get these Baccus cavalry done but it sure felt good to get them finished and on Thursday even better to deliver them to Steve. Last week was a good week for painting as you will witness over the coming week as I present finishes in several other scales to the rather consistent 6mm factory.

This should have been six units of Dragoons but one strip had been lost before I received the models and as the British only had five regiments of Dragoons I just used the extra figures to make these that bit more impressive with extra figures.

1st Dragoons Royals and 2nd Dragoons Scots Greys, I had a uniform malfunction and after checking with Justin ;-) went about a bit (lot) of repaint and somehow kept my cool. The knock on effect was to slow me down enough to miss adding the gunk on Thursday evening meaning I could not finish them till Friday evening when it could have been all done and dusted by 9am Friday, oh well I got something else painted whilst waiting for the bases to dry.

3rd Kings Own Dragoons, 4th Royal Irish Dragoons and 6th Inniskilling Dragoons, the 5th Dragoons were disbanded shortly before the turn of the century. So Steve is maxed out on Dragoons though he has yet to get the other British heavy cavalry.

I also painted up the 13th, 16th and 23rd Light Dragoons, rather striking in their dark blue jackets. Two of these regiments are shown as wearing the busby but the figures have shakos but I think I can live with that, hope Steve is fine with it as well.

The last three are Hussars, 7th, 10th and 15th to be exact. I am always impressed with the detail that is gotten into these figures, of course we poor painters have to try and paint it!

What is the fascination with yellow and British unit's, here the lace of the Pelisse and trim on the saddle cloth, is there any colour worse to paint than yellow?

The 10th Hussars may have that yellow on them but at least they make up for it with a nice bright red shako. Though in reality not quite that bright.

The 15th have grey silver lace and a red trim to the blanket so somewhat easier to work with.

I have to admit when I finished them I had to up scale as the amount of time I worked on them really made my eyes tired. I did take 15 to 20 minutes off every couple of hours to regain my focus but even so I really needed a break before going back to the scale.


  1. Looking good Ian. Yellow is a sod to paint. I try for a white background to make it stand out a bit more.

    1. The other problem I find is that in 6mm it tends to blend in with the Flesh colour on cuffs and collars.


  2. Excellent. Will have to give 6mm Naps a go!
    Cheers, Andy

    1. For big big battles nothing looks better in my mind


  3. I really love your work on these small blighters! You make tiny blobs look like something I'd love to game with.

    1. Thanks, it's often the case that wargamers of larger scales think they can not paint these little guys but it is easier than you would think. It's all about selecting what to paint and being a little more bright than in the larger scales



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