
Wednesday 8 April 2015

Building of the Week - Papelotte Farm by Leven Miniatures

For a change I am showing a building that is available, well set of buildings. Another of the Leven Miniatures Napoleonic range. NAP03 Papelotte Farm priced at £20 is a set of buildings forming a hollow square and comes with the period peaked roof and the more modern tower structure allowing you the choice or even leave loose and can use both.

In an attempt not to get shouted at by Lee I have not painted in any roads ;-) I also went with the lime washed wall finish that I have seen in a few images as this may be more historical than the red brick finish though I did rather like the red finish as per Leven's website (link above).

Again you get a lot for your money, these are quite large buildings and I have used a 120x120 and 60x120mm tile to base the buildings on. The barn furthest away is on the smaller tile. The tiles are individually placed on these buildings and it really adds to the finish. Odd tiles not 100% lined up and some area's ever so slightly raised or dipped make the roofs a joy to work on.

I spoilt myself and used three different colours of tufts on this model, this was to break up the grassed section a little. I have to admit I really like the look of Belgian buildings, especially those with the small windows high on the walls and the long building to the front of the photo above ticks a lot of my boxes.

Lots of detail as you would expect from Leven, it went together rather well and painted up like a dream. I always paint the whole building ignoring the fact I will be basing them and some sections wont be seen but that's one of my things.

I found a few nice cobblestone and other paving images on line and have used one here to make a change from the usual interiors I tend to do. Just a few more buildings to paint up and then I will be ready for the Waterloo game. Not sure which I will do next but I do have some test painting to do for Mike so maybe a single one to keep me out of trouble.


  1. Nicely work on some lovely buildings Ian :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin. I like putting these on tiles as it means Lee has to make indents in the boards LOL


  2. Really nice...especially the lime washed finish on the walls!

    1. Thanks, that's fairly easy to do as the detail is nice and deep. Good old dry brush, I use the Rosemary & Co Ebony Short Flat size 1 brush, found no brush better for none detail work


  3. That's an impressive model. Nicely painted!

    1. It's got some heft as well. Just needs delivering to the terrain guy


  4. Replies
    1. Indeed Ray, well worth the ticket. I can see it getting use for more than Waterloo as well.



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