
Saturday 18 April 2015

Command & Colors: Prussians

Keeping with the Prussian Napoleonic theme, I thought I should update our progress with Command & Colors. We have dabbled with the new Prussian module as well as continuing through the original set. The Prussians certainly have their own feel to play with. Above is the Jena morning scenario after the first couple of moves. I as the Prussians need to hold the town in the centre if possible and the victory banners required is eight (nine for me to give my son a better chance). 

I can see why the suitable age has risen from 12 to 14 as the scenarios are that bit more complex and a straight forward attack is often not going to get you the win. Far more use of temporary victory banners are in play. In this scenario the player with absolute majority of town hexes gets a victory banner. This was our second playing of the scenario and as you can expect the centre two hex town saw heavy fighting in both games though in the first game my exploiting my success with my cavalry on my left flank and attack past the town saw me get the win. The second game my son was somewhat more cagey with his own cavalry keeping it in reserve and darting out for attacks on weakened units and then taking them back into reserve made the game a lot closer. He finally got the win with an overwhelming attack on the two hex town though it did bring him close to loss as most of the units attacking took a beating. Combined arms was the tipping point in the attack.

The mechanics continue to impress and I am keen to try the combat mechanics with our 6mm figures and rule set to see how that would play out.

How good is it? well once work is sorted out I will be picking up the other sets as the game has become a staple of  our regular play and I think it will get use with other friends as well.


  1. Certainly could bring it along with the 6mm figures using the hex terrain, would work perfectly


  2. Congratulations old chap - it's a cracking game and one I've played with players ranging from eight to seventy.

    6mm figures do very well on the basic board in my experience.

    1. My bases are 60x60 so a little too big for the board.


  3. Interesting insight in this expansion - sounds like its worth getting

  4. Sounds and looks an interesting game.

    1. The mechanics are really simple but it has enough wrinkles to feel like Napoleonics


  5. Commands & Colors: a great sytem made even better with the use of miniatures!

    1. My son was going to go down the route of mini's but changed his mind. Blocks do work for us


  6. I've played and enjoyed this a couple of times... do like the simple mechanics a lot :)

    1. I like the simplified combat system, does make me wonder if it would work with a lot more units



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