
Sunday 10 May 2015

Budgie Give Away and some Number Crunching

Ray over at Don't Throw a One is having a cracking give away to celebrate reaching his 500th post. Rumours that the prizes are some illegally smuggled budgies or just a small selection of the hundreds of prizes he has won in other giveaways have neither been confirmed or denied though some form of Post Office investigation is under way ;-)

Ray has a great bunch of prizes that one or more are bound to take your fancy. Ray's blog is also great fun to follow and can draw a laugh on some of his comments and responses to his fellow Rejects views.

I know a few of you think I am mad actually taking note of what I actually own regards figures but how about these numbers.

I have ninety six different troop types, scales and or nations and these span fourteen different projects.

If that is not alarming enough I have 4959 figures! That does not include part painted figures on my table or tucked away in the lets forget them file, nor does it include my WWI and WWII planes or any buildings. 

I have ignored the figures I have that are being painted for other people which cuts the total by near on another thousand!

Should I seek help or just get on with it? At least I am keeping the purchases down next weekend when I go to Triples so the total should remain reasonable.

Did I actually use the word reasonable then? No hope for me :-)


  1. Ian
    Please some of us are eating breakfast!
    Cheers, PD

    1. Sorry Peter, Ray made me do it ;-)


  2. Good God, Man! I regret I have no ability to "unsee" images!

    1. I do a side line in mind bleach if you can afford it :-)


  3. My Budgies are red, this is a fake pic, I think its actually Ian on holiday last year??? Cheers for the plug ol' chap!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I don't know what's more disturbing. The thought this is a pic of you or the that that Ian took this pic of of. you. Is this the kind of thing you wargamers get up to in the shed? Please tell me it isn't so :0)

    3. I have a much larger shelf than the image suggests, plus the wife would kill me if she found a bird in my pants


    4. Anne I would love to say it's all made up and Ray or me were not involved in any way

      but I won't ;-)


  4. Ian, just wow (about your collection)!!! I wish I was in your club. We could game your collection for an endless amount of variety. Well done!

    And I did laugh at the photo.

    1. Monty that's the unpainted stuff. Fortunately the painted stuff is much bigger!!!

      I also don't belong to a club, just play with mates (got a game tonight Yippee)



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