
Wednesday 6 May 2015

Building of the Week Frichemont

I did not manage to get a building of the week done last week, so consider this one a double header. Leven Miniatures offer Frichermont Château (NAP10 £7.00) which is the corner building but not the whole set shown here. I hope he does go on to provide the rest of the parts as a set, though I think if you email Mike he will make a set up for you but I don't know the cost.

The only part of the complex that is known is the exterior corner buildings shown at the front of photo above. Leven have done an outstanding job of furnishing the interior facings of this building and it may not be the same as the actual building (which no one knows) it looks like it could be the actual interior work, very impressive indeed.

I am very much indebted to Craig Armstrong, who I copied outrageously, just hope Craig feels I did a good enough job.  I am not sure if Craig came up with the other buildings or it was Mikes Idea but they really work well together. 

Typically farms and château's in this part of Belgium were walled and enclosed. Originally for protection and this of course made them great defensive positions during the battle of Waterloo. So it really made sense for Frichermont to also be fully walled. 

I find the interior detail of the château really charming, gone is the external walls plainness, replaced with flamboyance and that mix of steps is simply a brilliant idea.  Top marks for this building and will go down as one of the best yet released.

I am not sure if the building on the right has been released yet, though the half hidden barn on the left was already in my to do box. It's a great looking barn that I had not paid enough attention to prior to painting this one up.

I wanted to fill out the rear of the tile so used a mix of the new Leven trees to give the look of  a wooded rear section. My plan will be to add a few more stands of trees around these to break down the abrupt end to them. 

I used more of the floor tile images I had found on the web for the courtyard. The sheet was just big enough to cover the footprint. I have other images I will be using on other tiles in future work.

Mike again has done an outstanding job on the detail. Some of the whitewashed walls really cry out for picking out detail such as the small barn next to the large barn. It was much easier to pick out the detail than you would expect as the detail is there, you just need to keep within the lines if you know what I mean.

The two barns next to each other, FAR19 (the big barn) is just £3.00 and has bags of character, the other one I don't think is yet available on it's own so another email to Mike I think LOL.

The farm house also allows for a little distress work, the chimney shows brickwork at a couple of points, points that are realistic. No random detail on these models.

Again more brick detail on the cottage and you know what I am going to say about it's availability..... 
seriously Mike your going to have to release this as a set at some point, it begs for it. I used walls I had at hand but brick walls would be a better match if it is released as well as a gateway as I did not add one to mine, oops.

So there you have it, probably about four hours painting time so quite quick and with it's finish I have just the one farm complex to paint up and another big tick in Project Waterloo's to do list. The last building is quite small with four buildings and a couple of wall sections so should be done either for next week or the week after depending when I get some of Mikes models finished for him.


  1. That's a lovely little model. Well done.

  2. Very nice. I thought the first photo was showing a snow scene to start with :)

    1. Cheers, this is what comes from trying for a bit of artistic flare LOL


  3. Nicely crafted and painted. The whole of it looks fabulous and will make great eye candy for the gaming table.

    1. Thanks Anne, for the Waterloo game it's at the end where nothing happens for 2/3rds the game so hopefully it will give the punters something to look at when away from the action


  4. All buildings are available for the set on request, it's just that before I've finished one set you want the next one ...

    1. That's me told LOL and fair comment.

      That said I can shut up a bit now as I have all the ones needed for Waterloo. So it's got to be at least two months before I start needing something for one of the Spanish battles LOL



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