
Monday 25 May 2015

Project Waterloo More Board Work & Updating the OOB

What better way than spending the Bank Holiday weekend working on the boards for Waterloo? OK significant others may have had other ideas but were kind enough to let us play.

Since the last update Lee had painted in most of the roads and sealed the last of the hills. Now it was ready for adding the texture which is just like the work we do on our bases but, er..... bigger.

Each 6x4 foot panel was done at a time. Lots of Sandtex a bucket of sand and lots of tipping it over to get rid of the excess sand. Quick sweep up then onto another section of the board. We mostly used the road net as boarders between sanding batches as it would take too long to Sandtex the whole board as it would be drying in patches before we could get the sand on it. 

Lee had the experience to know the roads would get some drops of paint on them (actually only the once, yes me). As such he glossed them allowing for easy wiping off of the splodge and will matt them down when we are finished.

Next stage will be the painting of the grass area's with a mix of greens and the odd browned patch and then finishing off of the roads. The original plan was to sink in the building bases but as we want to use the boards for other actions we will try and place them on the top.  Lee is fairly confident he can have two of the boards finished for Friday so we can have a try out of part of the battle. 

So if that works out the boards can be finished quite quickly making them one less thing to worry about. To replace the worry Lee has updated the OOB and we need to make sure we have the right/enough troops for the game. I spent last night and this morning going through my units and now need to start labelling the units.

I should have had excess of Line Infantry but turns out I have just enough. I have loads of extra units that were painted up originally for Spain (Hussars and Dragoons) but I am short one Cuirassier regiment (I have the figures) and a Limber for the French. The Prussians I have rather more than will be needed so all is covered at my end. I even have the last farm on the table and should have it finished for this week.

Lee is well on track for Joy of Six as well. One long session of finishing basing of his French (mostly Guard) and a nasty flagging session for almost all his French! to go. His Allied troops are all done and dusted. It's not that far away now though, the labelling will be the biggest job time wise and I plan to pick up the card this week and start mine, I will also slip into the queue those two bases I need to get going on too.

Other talk was what next, Lee sneaked me the OOB for Borodino! That's at least two years away but possibly Lee needs a bigger shed if he plans to keep the ground scale. A trip to Spain seems likely for next years Joy of Six whilst long long term (OK three years or so) will see us playing a rather stupidly LARGE ancients bash, I need more pike!


  1. That's looking most impressive Ian :)

    It appears that you and Lee have some megalomania issues if your planned future battles are anything to go by ;)

    1. I am worried Lee thinks Waterloo is a bit small :-( !!!!!!!!!!

      Actually our next game or two will be smaller but we are working towards doubling the size of the cavalry regiments in the future so it could get out of hand real quick


  2. That is looking well.

    1. I think by the weekend it will be looking even better :-)


  3. That looks like it is going to be huuuge. This project has been quite amazing to follow.

    Hey, I've got some fig's to send you, but I've lost your email. Can you email me at olearyanne4Atyahoodotcom?

    1. It sure is Anne, it's quite sad it's almost finished but with hardly a breath we will be charging into the next one. The best thing is that we will use the boards for other pick up games as each board is big enough to be a nights game table which we can turn around and won't be like fighting over Waterloo etc.

      Thanks for the figs too, will look forward to getting them on the table and do my best by them :-)


  4. Lee's megalomania knows no bounds... I want an invite over one weekend to see this!

    1. One word, Borodino! You sure will get that invite when we finally get to play it, though 19th July (Sunday) at Sheffield is Joy of Six if you want to pop along to see it before you play it. Will be looking for a hand carting it all in LOL. My mate Matt is involved in another 100 days game that is slightly bigger than ours so that should be an amazing site as well.


  5. My word, that's an impressive build.

    1. Wait till we have it covered with figures and buildings, really looking forward to a few test drives



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