
Saturday 2 May 2015

The April Fools Painting Progress

Typically April is the swan song of painting for most wargame painters, the light nights, better weather and jobs to do strip away a lot of the time available to paint. I am fortunate that I can remain quite productive during the light nights though production may well dip a little.

Of course the Analogue Painting Challenge that ended late March is bound to effect those of us who took part. I have dipped a little due to that but the enforced inactivity work wise has made up for that a lot as well, silver lining and all that.

6mm took a real thumping with another eight battalions off the table, that's ten over the last two months and has been a nice but small reduction of the lead pile. I even painted up two regiments of cavalry but that still leaves me ten regiments short of breaking even on these. Cavalry remains a tough one for me in 6mm. The only other change has been buildings with me painting six but buying twelve, oops. So I am a massive plus thirty two on my own buildings, that's bad, real bad. Still some of them are quick paints so I know I can bring this down.

6mm for others has been a lot better, no fresh units in but six out. Cavalry even better with twelve painted! Building wise I have painted up eight and received another four for my trouble. Those will be dashed off within the next couple of weeks so unless Mike sends me more I look to clear the decks, even if it's short lived. I also have to finish a hedge/fence set as well but that's near the front of the queue.

15mm. been quite the year for 15mm so far. Another sixty four infantry figures painted, my 15mm mountain is now just a mound, very happy with the progress and it looks like I won't be adding to the pile at Triples so it's very healthy.

20mm is not so good, still in triple digits at the start of the month I get it just below painting up eighteen figures. On a positive note they are a good match so can just get on with it so these should have a steady reduction over the months.

28 and 32mm have had no movement at all so remain the worst excess at the moment. I do have over twenty figures on the paint desk at the moment all 28mm so that will help that issue. I also have a lot of 6mm though precious little that will remain in my collection. I expect May to see a good amount cross my desk but not a great deal to remain here.

May will also see a lot of figures added to the mountain, I collected the Salute goodies yesterday (nicely into May) and whilst none of it is mine it still all needs painting. I also have nearly 150 10mm WWII Germans land that need attention. 

I should be picking up some more 6mm at Triples if all goes to plan, other than that no actual plans to increase the lead pile. Still have more kit than I can paint in a year which I really want to get on top of.

Coming up this month? Loads of ACW Union Infantry, a good splurge into both ECW 6mm armies and finishing off Steve's Waterloo stuff and making a start on my son's figures at long last. So May will be mostly 6mm.


  1. My output's so poor lately, my swan hasn't even bothered to tune up! :O(

    1. Oh dear Gary. I am lucky I can throw myself at the painting table every day and Cath accepts it. As therapy goes it's tough to beat for me. I do push it at times but the most part I do remember to say hi to Cath and the kids at least once in a day ;-)


  2. Your vigour and productivity appall me Sir.

    1. I try my best LOL

      Should I mention the two 6mm pike blocks finished between 3 and 8am today? Hoping I don't repeat that tonight



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