
Wednesday 27 May 2015

The Start of my Son's Peninsular Adventure

I have finally started my son's Napoleonic army, he of course wanted the British and what better than it being painted up for the Peninsular given the wide mix of units and uniforms for all sides. Lee is also busy with the Spanish so this will give all of us something to play with. All figures are again Baccus.

First up the 1st Battalion of the 5th Northumberland Regiment with green facings and the keen eyed may notice that the flags are blowing in the opposite way to how I normally do them, this is so they will match up to my flags flying opposite to them.

The 1st Battalion of the 6th Warwickshire Regiment, wearing the annoying yellow facings. I have also gone for less static grass and tufts as I want it to look a little more arid than all the Waterloo bases.

Both battalions together, not a big start but I wanted to at least get them started as I am not sure how much time I will have for painting in the coming month or two and Steve and Lee's figures get first dibs. Not that I only painted up the infantry.

Lee gave him a few guns and crews so I painted up three howitzers and three standard guns, but no cavalry yet. I have also painted up Steve's guns but not finished the limbers (that's tomorrow-ish).

Not the biggest commitment but then again the troops were drip fed into Iberia so I'm just being historical.


  1. Lucky son! Very fine miniatures.

    It looks like a very thin red line compared to your French batallions though!

    1. I will give him a chance, even cut the French back by 50%, seems fair LOL


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, just putting of the Scottish for a few more weeks


  3. Your son is really getting into the hobby and he's got two great guys painting for him. Oh, but he's a lucky one. I imagine in a few years time though, he'll be painting 6mm just like his father.

    1. He already is painting up WWI British thanks to Dr Mike who spent an hour with him at a show last year, he loves to do the workshops with Mike



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