
Thursday 18 June 2015

200 Years Ago Today and Project Waterloo

18th June 1815 saw the last major battle of the Napoleonic era and was to lead to Napoleon's second abdication. It's also possibly the most wargamed battle in the history of wargaming and can be claimed to be the most iconic land battle featuring the British. 

Today I won't get home much before midnight so will miss anything on TV or the internet regarding this anniversary but I did get to go over to Lee's for more work on our game. The last two boards now have the base green colour on them and I would bet as I type this Lee is working on the next colour!

We got to chat a fair bit as we worked, I brought up the idea Lee had last time regarding doubling up the cavalry in the future to 18-20 figures on 60x60 bases which we will start to do post game. 9-10 figures has always been a make do as when we started this project I was long term sick and had little spare cash. It will be nice to double up and finally get a the full effect.

We also discussed what next? Lee will soon have all the major powers except the Prussians and many of the smaller so we are in a good place for the Nap's. Borodino is a few years off as more French and Poles are needed whilst Lee would have to add about twenty Russian Battalions and some Cossack regiments and I need to get my Poles painted and yet more bought and painted. Something Spanish is much closer to being ready.

Outside the realms of Napoleonic's Lee is keen to get back into Colonial and fortunately not Zulu but Sudan. Personally I blame  Dave D for this. We also have the ancient thing going, Lee has bought more Roman's and I plan to make another move on my Macedonian's and get all I have painted up before then buying into the Persians. Seems on this project me and Lee have swapped identities as I am going large to Lee's keep it tight attitude, can't see that lasting though.


  1. Ooh blame me! Too right crack on with fuzzies.

    Look forward to seeing the big Waterloo game in action

    1. Too right I am, your a bad influence :-)

      Will you be at Joy of Six? if so we could do with an hand setting up LOL

      Not sure when we will get the chance to play the game at Lee's but will let you know. I now work Saturdays and every other Sunday so it will mean taking time off work so we will have to plan for it.


  2. i'll be surprised to find many gamers on the blogosphere today unless it's to talk about the anniversary.

    Someone is going to have to stand on a crane, look down and photograph the board with a telephoto lens to get the whole thing in.

    Have a good day!

    1. I was out all day, got home after 10pm and did not go anywhere near my computer, just too tired to look, even the TV stayed off.

      The venue has a high balcony so I hope we will be able to get some decent top down shots of the game.


  3. Sudan, yay! 50 fuzzies per base?! ;-)


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