
Thursday 25 June 2015

Building of the Week, European Tavern by Leven Minatures

This is a yet to be released Tavern that Leven Miniatures will be releasing at some point. Not sure if it will be released with the sign frame and barrel or if these will be add on items or only available as the building without the extras.

As you can see it's a timber and plastered building that would suit many periods right up to modern day. I can't guess at when it will be released or what the price will be. What I can say is that it's a really nice model and I am really looking forward to having a go at my model. This one as three other recently finished models are for Mick for his display stand.

It's another of the seemingly basic buildings that Leven produce, that is till you look closely and as many of the other basic buildings see that Mike has not done anything of the sort. The side and rear walls all have a slight undulating finish that gives the impression that the walls are not totally flat that makes the building look that bit more real than the block of wood with windows and frame added appearance. Indeed it's really subtle and that's the magic ingredient. It would be easy enough to go in too heavy handed and spoil the effect. This is what makes Mikes work step up to another level.

Here you can see the effect I am talking about, add the now signature tiling and you have yet another must have building from the Leven Stable. 

I went bright for the rear door as all but the front of the building is rather plain so wanted something extra to make it pop. My version though will have a more neutral colour to fit in with the ECW/Napoleonic feel.

As I mentioned above I have three more buildings I have painted this week to add to the blog, all new to be released models though two of them are new versions of current buildings that will sit well alongside the original designs. I hope to still get a few other buildings painted up but that may be tough as I have a lot of other bits to get done before Joy of Six.

However I can report that I have nearly seventy trees based up just needing the highlighting and static grass adding to the bases for Project Waterloo.

Keeping with PW I have the last of the Prussians needing the finishing touches as well as three battalions of French (new animated) from Baccus and one last cavalry regiment all needing the final basing doing.

Next week I will also be showing off what has arrived in the post recently, that will tie in with the shame of the poorest painting output in four years! 

Oh well, at least we will be ready for the Joy of Six, though I am starting to get prepared for a flagging marathon starting next week.


  1. Nice work on "Ye Olde Dice and Cup" [I think that's an appropriate name for a wargamer's pub] :)

  2. Very nice indeed, love the barrel sign - no mistaking this place.

    1. Yes it's a great touch Mike added to the model he sent me


  3. 70 trees, wow. Love the mini. So cute.

    1. Cute? CUTE? oh OK then.

      I have ordered another 500, seems a future game has a few woods


  4. A great addition to your ever growing collection, how about a shot of all the building altogether??

    1. Well this one is not for me though I do have one to paint up.

      I can do a group shot but it will have to be after Joy of Six as the Waterloo buildings are all packed away ready to take to the show



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