
Wednesday 29 July 2015

Books, Books and even more Books

I was recently thinking about the amount of history books I buy in comparison to the amount I read. Whilst I do get through quite a few in a year my purchasing tends to run about even with the odd peak or dip each year.

Not that I will get to the point where I keep a close note as I might not quite like what I may find out. Today was a family day, first day off since the kids broke up from school so we went out for the day.

We ended up at Bakewell where I picked up the two WWII books pictured, a snip at £5 each. The other two have been picked up recently, Voices from the Napoleonic Wars just after Joy of Six and Waterloo about a month ago. I'm mostly reading fiction at the moment but I plan to get one of these started soon the question is which?


  1. Splendid additions to the library, not reading anyway near enough myself.

  2. Nice additions... All depends if you want distracting ... Go on read about tanks... and then buy some

  3. Tell yourself that you are planning ahead for retirement.
    That is what I tell my wife!

  4. Erhard Raus's book is a good read for potential scenarios


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