
Wednesday 15 July 2015

Joy of Six Countdown 4 Adler Prussians

Spent Tuesday evening and all day today cutting out and attaching all the unit labels for the Prussians and my half of the French. Far longer than I bargained for and it's put a real dent in to my plans for the rest of the week.Worse I am short by two French command stands so guess what I am doing tonight LOL.

However these are the last of the Prussians that I finished last month. They represent two companies of Silesian Schutzen or Jagers the only unit I have as a singular unit rather than attached to a regular Infantry Battalion.

These are typical of Adler, lots of detail and filled with movement. They were also quite flashy but time spent cleaning them up is well worth it.

All my Prussians are now ready for the weekend, they almost fill four A4 file boxes leaving me with just over one more box full of units not needed for Waterloo but who will feature in other games in the future.


  1. They look good, another beautiful work...

    1. Just about to cross the finish line, just one last spurt


  2. That's a lot of Prussians! Not long now Ian,

    1. I still have a file box full of unpainted castings so plenty more to have a go at


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Stefan, plenty of practice now



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