
Monday 3 August 2015

Will it be Weakest Link or Forgotten Treasure?

Knowing fellow wargamers I fear what will follow on from this post LOL. Like all other wargamers I don't just have a figure mountain but also a book mountain and whilst most of the figures in my mountain have very real chances of being painted I can't say the same for reading the massive pile of books as new books always trump old in this house. 

Then I had an idea, why not take a few books from the been here forever shelf and let you the reader decide which ones I am to read. So I will give a brief description of each book and you can vote for the one you want me to read most from the choices to the right.

Now knowing you lot as I do I am not a little afraid of how you will vote, the opportunity to plunge me into a dreadful book may well be too difficult to resist, after all I know I would want to.

So in alphabetical order we have.

An Army at Dawn by Rick Atkinson
This is one of those books that you wonder why you bought it. It's tag line to the title is The War in North Africa 1942-1943. Are we to believe then that the war STARTED in 1942? or just the desert war? I find the title provocative, Dawn implies the above, he seems to imply the two years two years and five months of battling were not relevant or maybe important? Indeed from reading the blurp you would be forgiven in thinking Operation Torch really was the start. That's exactly why this books been on the naughty step for so long.

The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall
This is a three volume religious work first published in 1655 my edition is dated 1994 and I possibly bought it that year. The intent was to read this and others (I have another shorter book somewhere) to help gain a better understanding of the religious angle of the English Civil War period. The thing is it's over 1000 pages long! Will I get an understanding or burn out the old nogging?

The Heritage of Persia by Richard N. Frye
First printed in 1962 five years before I was born! I bought it in a second hand book shop because I own a Persian army but I have never quite got round to reading it. My interest has not gone away from the subject, just never had the urge to pick it up and actually read it.

So there you have it, three choices all of which I should read at some point and probably won't unless chosen by you lot, my reading is in your hands. You can vote by selecting the one title you want me to read on the voting toggle on the right of this page and I would love to read in the comments what and why you have picked.

Once I have read the book you have picked and spent some time getting over it I will introduce at least one new book to the list and give you another chance to pick my read.


  1. My vote goes to "The Christian in Complete Armour" - at 1000 pages, it should give you plenty of respite before having to post the next set of book options :)

    1. I'm with Tamsin, exactly what I was thinking.

    2. Third end! Definitely the book you should plough through.

    3. Well it seems that you all have not voted for this gem, or if you have you have since changed your vote as it's in last place and seems to have lost a few votes LOL


    4. Well, I hadn't spotted the poll in the top right corner. Voted now :)

  2. My vote goes to "An Army At Dawn" because I've read it and enjoyed it...and because it is the first in a trilogy... *evil grin*

    1. I agree with Thomas, a great book on an overlooked campaign.

    2. Well it's a firm favourite at the moment so looks like you will have your way, though plenty of time to go.........


  3. I voted for the WW2 one, but it doesn't seem to be registering - unless there's a time delay??
    Why; because the other two seem pointless from a wargamer's perspective. Or maybe that's just my opinion. Lol :))

    1. Ah, the votes now be counted :)

    2. Yes I think it may have something of a delay going on, the Persian one could get me to paint more of the unpainted Persians I have, so possibly wargames related though the other is only of value from a history point of view and my favourite period of history.

      The WWII book actually is the one that would have the least value to me from a wargaming point of view as it's the only theatre that I don't wargame at present and probably won't be doing so.


  4. I would avoid the Christian in Complete Armour like the plague (and I have a Master's in church History!). Puritan literature is just so turgid that it will make your brains run out of your ears.

    My vote's for Persia!

    1. The hardest book I have read on the period was The Rise of the New Model Army, it is about the awakening of political thought within the army where I thought it was about the forming and campaigning of the army. This could raise the bar LOL


  5. I voted for the Heritage of Persia as my second army was Persian and have a soft spot for them. The title sounded familiar so I have just checked my bookshelf and I have it! Seem to remember if was a good read..

    1. I'm with Shaun, go Persian!

    2. Looks like it will come in second place, well this assures it of being kept on the list for round two at least LOL


  6. Got to be Persia, a much more enlightening read. :-)

    1. This books getting some good reviews, maybe it will get read even if it does not win, certainly getting my interest rekindled


  7. Ian
    Life is waaaay too short to read bad books (or eat bad food) unless there are compelling reasons to (lack of options or family politics eg). Read something that you know is good, something that piques your interest or something that you think might be good. For god's sake don't read something that you know is bad without a strong reason to.
    However, if stuck on a desert isle with these three volumes I would go for Persia first, Army at Dawn second and use the Puritan tome to light fires.
    Good luck

    1. Well I did buy all these books (and others) with the intention of reading them. I have to admit this is all a little tongue in cheek as I am intrigued with them all to one point or another. However these selections are always going to be padded with other books I really want to read so I won't be burnt by too many challenging books on the bounce


  8. There are some evil biggers reading this blog. After I voted (for 'An Army at Dawn'), the voting showed that the fustian Puritan crap is the current favourite! The only thing you'll learn from that book is how long 1,000 pages really can be . . . .

    1. Well the votes have flipped since then, seems I can't take anything for certain till the last day. Reading a new(ish) book on Waterloo at the moment which I am enjoying and finished a few historical novels as well.



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