
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Books and Yet More Books

I went to Cromford (near Matlock Bath) recently with Cath for a walk and a bite to eat. Whilst there we often call at Scarthin Books, a lovely mix of new and old books and pre-Amazon was my main source for second hand military history books. These days I come out more often empty handed than with anything but not on the last visit.

I have seen Redcoat a number of times but not picked it up but I fancy something a little more general to have a go at at some point. It's a shame it does not seem to bother going back to the times when the redcoat was first worn as a national uniform but I am happy to give it a fair go.

Bonaparte in Egypt was bought as I really have little knowledge of the campaign and thought it would be good to know something so it will join the ranks of books yet to read. Something I do not dare to do a list of.

I did not stop with Scarthin, having seen Persian Fire down at The Works and slowly working my way through The Heritage of Persia I thought this might be a nice follow on to that. Talking of which I am finding it a bit heavy going having just finished another book written is a similar style. That's not to say I am not enjoying it though the Sharpe books keep getting in the way.

I have also recently bought another two Kindle books so I think it's safe to say my purchases are outstripping my reading at the moment. Really need to improve on that LOL


  1. Replies
    1. Well I hope so, I seem to have quite a lot to be going at though


  2. Redcoat is sitting on my book shelf, yet to be read too. I bought 40+ kindle books yesterday ... all of them £0.00! Got to get my money back somehow. I'm not a Yorkshireman for nothing :)

    1. I have bought a few of the £0.00 kindle books and enjoyed them all, believe me you don't need to come from Yorkshire to try and get your monies worth


  3. Napoleon in Egypt is a classic. Let us know how you get on with it.

    1. OK that one starts to move up the pile LOL


  4. I've recently red Persian Fire and would recommend it. A lot of the focus is on the background history of the Greek and Persian states and their main actors as well as on the "diplomatic" interactions, but the descriptions of the battles are quite good.

    1. Thanks for the tip, always had an interest just not much in the way of books in my collection though


  5. Replies
    1. Plenty but plenty more hiding away waiting for me to get into them.


  6. Nap in Egypt sounds like a terrific read - it is an incredible campaign.

    1. What I have read about it has made it sound interesting, just don't know much though


  7. I'm about half way through Redcoat at the moment. It's quite an interesting read, but does jump around a lot as each chapter covers a topic, rather than a historical period.

    The Egypt one looks interesting. I'm also currently reading Wellington in India, which mentions Napoleon's expedition to Egypt quite a bit, so I'll be interested to hear what it is like

    1. Well I need to get on with reviews of books I have finished, so much to do LOL



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