
Tuesday 1 September 2015

Lead Poisoning, The Mountain Bites Back

I purposely missed last months post as I had a whole lot of nothing to report, well almost nothing and hoped this month would be a lot better. Actually it is but from a personal view point it was worse. I have managed to paint up the equivalent of nine battalions of 6mm British Napoleonic infantry but all these were for Steve, so nothing at all for me.

I will be mostly painting my own figures this month though I will try and get a bunch finished for Lee. The last two months have been the worst painting months I have had since coming back to the hobby over four years ago. This has been in part down to going on holiday for a week but mostly I have been slow at adjusting to the new work routine with the much later finish and almost double the time journey to work.

I plan to be more proactive, making more effort to get to the desk than recently. This goal will be much helped by the simple fact I will be painting my own figures which is that bit more rewarding than painting for others.

My mix will be different as well. Last night I spent a few hours on one of the Arena Rex gladiators from their Kickstarter, a very enjoyable few hours. I have a second one assembled and ready for undercoating with a few 28mm fantasy figures also waiting in the wings.

I also plan to get more of the 6mm Ancient army painted up, several pike blocks are demanding attention and yet more companion cavalry units look set to cross the table if not this month then next. I still have a few command bases to paint for Steve which will be done as I go as he needs them next month. I will also kick myself into gear and continue with painting my Leven Buildings and of course get back onto the Cowboy buildings that I have not touched in almost a year!!!

Another positive is that I have not bought any new figures in the last two months so at least the mountain has stayed the same size though with The Other Partizan this weekend that could change.


  1. Replies
    1. Great to see you around again Fran, hope your good and settled now.

      Yes it's not for want so at least I can get back in stride again


  2. Been there, done that, will do it again. If you force it it's not a hobby but a chore and that's not the point of the exercise

    1. No force needed, was more a case of being frustrated that I was too tired or too little time to paint, just starting to get myself sorted now :-)


  3. I'm with Martin, don't force yourself its a hobby and should be fun. I look forward to checking out your work when ever you get it finished.

    1. Well I have got some more photo's of finished work so should have some fresh work to show off


  4. You've had good reason Ian. Just having extra time on the road to and from work can take a bite out of leisure time.

    I think it does help when you're painting for yourself and switching from 6mm to some 28's for a little while might be just the thing you need.

    1. Well I have some rather nice 28's to distract me that you know all about Anne ;-)


  5. A new routine always takes time to adjust to; and everyone loses their mojo every now and again. But you've got the determination to get stuck in and that's the main thing. Good luck!

    1. Really looking forward to Monday, Cath's at her craft group in the morning so I will get three or four hours at the table to start off a weeks holiday so should make some good progress.



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