
Monday 19 October 2015

Baccus ACW Union Infantry

It would be a fair assumption that I have not been up to much given the output over the last few months but whilst the usual suspects have slowed me down such as work and the kids being on holiday I have been working away on something a little bit big.

I bought two infantry boosters and skirmishes, enough for 20 units of 28 figures, yes that's 560 figures in total! These as the title states from Baccus and I originally bought them to paint up and throw on e-bay but Lee had already started to buy figures for this period and wanted first dibs. I unwisely decided to paint up the whole lot in one big batch. This had the effect of slowing down my production and somewhere in the middle of the project started to tire of it and slowed down.

I fortunately have learnt to not fight such feeling s when possible and put them away for a few weeks, painted up a few other things and came back to them. They remained a bit of a drag until I was getting to the end and then the taste of a finished project spurred me on. Lee will be basing and flagging them so you don't get a fully finished photo of them. Lee gave me a base to follow for how he wanted them finishing so I just used that as a guide and they ended up fairly close to his unit so should meld in well with the rest.

He did mention he also wanted Confederates doing as well, I just swore at him. The difference between and the units I am painting at the moment? Well I have lets just say 57 Macedonian cavalry paint up a hell of a lot faster than these bad boys. My only quandary is what to do next as the Companions should be finished by Wednesday.


  1. Looking good Ian. I found that the most I was willing to do as a batch was enough for 4 bases; 2 bases being my preference. Particularly when it comes to the fiddly details (belts, straps and bayonet scabbards). I can't imagine myself trying to do 20 bases as a batch!

    As for what to do next, I think Lee might have some ideas :p

    1. Yes twenty was just too much, what's next? Well almost finished some companions and moving back to 28mm for a few figures, then its onto my Santa Clause gift. Figures this year after the house building of last year :-)


  2. Replies
    1. Thank's, I may even end up commanding them LOL


  3. Replies
    1. No way am I doing the mankey grey though!


  4. It can be quite daunting painting all these minis at once, even in 6mm scale.

    I use to paint one unit (6 stripes + skirmisher) after another so you get a finished unit almost every evening - that helps keeping me motivated. :-)

    1. It did get me down some, I tend to like to do three to four units worth at a time as it seems to be that bit quicker.


  5. nice work Ian. I could never bring myself to try 6mm again. They take so much work for something so small. I found I could paint 28mm figs almost as quickly. Tey will look awesome though once they are all based up.

    1. I had a few sessions with Dr. Mike which speeded up my painting of 6mm. Not that it is really about how long they take but I prefer the mass look of a table of 6mm figures. Our ancients project that will have up to 96 figures on a 60x60mm base will be a good example. I have so far five such pike phalanx's but to look right need a lot more so it's going to be expensive.


  6. My word that's an impressive sight Ian.

    1. Lee groaned when I dropped them off, he's the one who has to base them.



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