
Saturday 10 October 2015

Chatter Behind The Bike Sheds - Options.

A few of you out there must be wondering if I have suffered burn out from Project Waterloo, or maybe just maybe I am doing all the prep for the marathon that is The Analogue Painting Challenge. The truth is far more down to earth. I have been working on a couple of projects that have supplied far too few photographs. Not least for my forgetting to take any of the British Command I painted up to finish off Steves commission for his Waterloo game. The second project has almost sent me nut's, not one but twenty regiments of 6mm Union Infantry, that's a lot of blue. The biggest issue for me has been the reduced time to paint married up with the time suck that was these little fellows has meant I have been putting off sessions or finishing a session and not having finished a step, that for me is quite a turn off so they have been a bit of a struggle. I am happy to say these are now finished and I can start to look at things I want to paint. I do have my Santa Clause to paint which turned up Thursday and I will start that soon but in the meantime..........

Even though the ACW was 6mm I REALLY want to get on with some Companion cavalry so they are next up on the prep table whilst I have a few 28mm started that also need my attention so they should get some time spent on them. Indeed when I cast my eye around both my table and to paint boxes I can't help but think I really could go a year maybe two without buying a single figure and still have options. 

That as we all know won't stop me buying more lead though, just making me do a spot more thinking before I do so. I don't see any new projects coming up either this year or next, a quick list of what I have in the fire and it's progress should be enough.

1. 6mm Borodino, yet more French needed but not that much, it's more about the allies, Neapolitans and Polish for me. Happily this is at least two years away.

2. Sticking with 6mm the Ancient Army needs more, much more, especially as I want to also start work on the Persians next year. I think any Christmas money may well be going the way of Peter at Baccus.

3. Our 6mm ECW project is shambling along and should see some more work before the year ends as we get closer to actually having enough units painted to have a game.

4. Last for the 6mm on the active list should be the WWI planes, OK it's not really active but I need to get back to this.

5. 15mm Ancients, I bought a load of Greek Hoplites and Persian Cavalry, add this to the Companion cavalry waiting in the wings and I have something to get me going, plus the old 15mm I still have should see work done during the challenge.

6. Been too long since we played a 28mm gunfight game, I need to get on with the buildings and the rest of the figures I have on hand. My intention to buy and paint up a Mexican band around my Santa Clause present did not happen but remains a definite to do. I just need to think about it, sort the figures and then I bet we play more gunfight games.

7. SAGA, got plenty of figures painted, got loads unpainted, just need to get them out and play some more. Lee has started his army again so maybe we will finally get round to playing. Defiantly continue to paint up more figures though. Another challenge opportunity.

8. Fantasy, our Friday group will be starting again soon and the kids love it, expect plenty more figures turning up on the blog, especially the ones given to me by Anne recently(ish)

9. 20mm Ancients, these will remain a bit of a slow cooker but I am planning a unit every month or so to get these painted up reasonably quickly (for me). Then I can see me buying an army not taken by the rest at Kev's Cabin, indeed it's going to be a driving force in getting more of the Celts painted up.

10. 32mm Arena Rex, I really enjoyed painting up the first figure and have a second under way, expect this project to pick up speed as I get more and more finished, these are great looking figures and I can see me continuing to buy them once I have these finished.

As you see I can really save myself the bother of buying anything, still I do NEED more 6mm Phalanx's to go against those Persians I have yet to buy.....................


  1. I take it there aren't any pics yet of the 6mm Union boys - would be good to see yours, having just finished my little blue blobs :)

    That's quite a long and varied list of projects to keep you busy...

    1. I have took pics, expect to post them this week


  2. Replies
    1. I did not even mention the Prussians, The Boy's British or.........


  3. A fine spread of activity there.

    1. That's what I like about it, should hop from one project to the next without worry of getting fixed on one


  4. My God Man you have enough things to do that will last you to the middle of next year.

    1. Middle of next year? Try the end of the following one, I have over 5,000 figures in hand!


  5. Lots to keep you out of trouble.


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