
Tuesday 3 November 2015

Companion Cavalry by Baccus

I painted these up in October and more than double my Companions for my 6mm Macedonian army. These like all the figures so far are Baccus and I am finding this range easy to paint.

To make it easier to distinguish different commands I am painting up the cavalry with a base colour of red or blue, just different shades of said colours whilst the front unit has purple cloaks to represent elite troops.

This now gives me five units in total and I have enough figures for another two units. Long term I plan far more so we can have some truly epic battles. That though will take a fair bit of time.

As I am using 40x60 bases for the cavalry I can put the figures in all sorts of different formations on the bases. It's certainly lots of fun to mess around with them.

The cloaks make these guys a bit punchy which is the intention for this project. Can't wait to get onto the Persians as they will really be bright. The more limited detail work I am putting into this project means they paint up fairly quickly, a good job when you consider the extra figures involved for each unit.

I also needed a C-in-C to boss around my lesser commanders already painted so here he is. I mounted them on a 2p coin whilst the sub commanders have all been based on 1p''s. With the 2p being larger and sporting three figures it will be easy to tell them apart.

So I now have quite a force, Lee has a reasonably large Roman army on the go, he lacks cavalry and light troops though so a battle is still a fair way away I think. Tomorrow we will be setting up the big Napoleonic game and after that we plan to get in a cheeky game of Ancients Commands & Colors so that may well get him motivated to getting these components done so we can get the figures on the table.


  1. Looking good! CCA is PERFECT for 6mm ancients.

    1. Tonight we are setting up a BIG Napoleonic game to do a final test before we play Waterloo. Set up should be reasonably quick and once done will be having a go with the C&C Ancients. We would not use the full rules for a figure version but some of the combat system and some other movement rules is what I am thinking.


  2. Replies
    1. So are your Roman's, maybe fight them one day :-)


  3. My word that's a lot of splendid looking horseflesh.

    1. Thanks, of course that's just for starters


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Kev, I will have to bring round what I have done so far at some point, it's all a bit crazy really


  5. Cracking Horse units there Ian.
    Love the dynamic formations you've based them in.

    1. Thanks Paul, I'm really looking forward to the mass effect I will get when they finally get on the table



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