
Friday 13 November 2015

Friday Quiz 20

It's hard to believe this little quiz has had twenty outing's. I sometimes wonder how many actually follow it beyond the ones that take part. A comment by Clint last week made me smile quite a bit as he just wanted me to know that whilst he did not take part he did read them, it's great to know so a big thanks Clint and others who read them as well.

1. Which Persian King of Kings did Alexander The Great overthrow?

2. There were three decisive battles won by the English in the Hundred Years War, those being Crecy, Agincourt and a third  one between these two on 19th September 1356, name it?

3. How old was Napoleon when he died?

4. What is the name of the British Battle of Britain two seater fighter?

5. What year did the First Indiochina War end? This being the French war in Vietnam that started 19th December 1946.

Lets hope I can get round to the answers sooner than last weeks.

1. Darius III

2. Poitien was fought between the two other decisive battles.

3. Napoleon was 51 when he died on the 5th May 1821.

4. The Boulton Paul Defiant and was withdrawn once the Germans worked out how to fight them.

5. The French pulled out on the 1st August 1954 due to internal pressure as the war like the American one that followed lost public support.


  1. Boulton Paul Defiant.
    I only know that one as I believe there was some stationed at RAF Catterick at the time. The Garrison is 100% Army now, the old RAF site now being Marne Barracks.

    1. I hate it when that happens. The letter r followed by the n, making it look like an m.
      M a r n e Barracks.

    2. Don't worry, I read it as Marne not even seeing the mistake


  2. I too read without responding - mostly so I don't look like an idiot. ;)

    Without googling: Darius (which is likely wrong), Dunno but I want to say Francourt, Dunno 37 at a guess, Boulton Defiant - A great idea that wasn't so great cool looking plane though., Guessing again - after Dien Bien Phu so 1956 maybe?

    1. Not bad attempts and given your score I would not say you do bad at all


  3. I look at it too, but by the time I usually get to it it's all the questions have been answered correctly
    I'll giver it a ago this week
    1 Darius II
    2 Poitiers
    3 51
    4 Gloucester Gladiator
    5 1948

    1. Never worry about others correct answers just go with the flow

      Not a bad effort either, very close on a couple


  4. Add another to you 'interested reader with no time to answer' list :-)

    1. Great to know you follow the quiz thanks


  5. Wrong Darius, correct on Napy bolloxed the rest.

  6. Without googling:
    1. Darius. The only reason I know this is that the Daily Office Lectionary started 1.1. Maccabbees from the Apocypha in the OT reading yesterday.
    2. Poitiers.
    3. Somewhere in his mid fifties. He wasn't that old. And he died of stomach cancer, he wasn't poisoned.
    4. Bolton Paul Defiant.
    5. 195?

  7. Yup, I usually read it... Don't always comment.. Keep it up

  8. Yep, including the Defiant, but Indo-China thing was '54 (really only a pause between acts)

    Born in '53 so stuff about Korea, the Mau Mau, Palestine, Aden, Suez, Borneo Malaya Indo-China/Vietnam etc. were still in peoples' minds or on the news when I was a kid. Second World War still hadn't finished for some of 'em. Lots of bitterness round our way about the Palestinian Jews - didn't seem to get called Israelis until the 6 Day War. I can even remember when Bruce Forsythe wasn't incontinent. Anyway, I digress.

    I mostly read/answer the quizes, but I sometimes forget. Don't always visit the bogs or FB.


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