
Sunday 1 November 2015

The Lead Mountain Three Month Update

For the last three months my output has been really low, especially as I do not count figures painted for others in my totals. Today I plan to look at how many figures I have in hand against the number I had back in June of last year when I decided I needed to keep a record to try and reduce the size of the pile.

So first up is the little chaps, my 6mm Mountain has always been on the large size due to my buying large numbers for Project Waterloo but I have also kept up a steady output in painting them.

Infantry Battalions (units of 24-28 figures) I have painted up a total of 12 units worth more than I have bought, not bad until you consider I still have enough for 134 such sized units! 

Cavalry I have had a steady increase in units over the last year but with recent work I have brought the total down to plus 3 and maybe before the year is out get this total to a negative.

Command has had the best results with 32 figures more painted than bought.

Guns and limbers have more or less been painted as I have bought them leaving me with 4 extra guns and crews and one less limber than bought.

Buildings, thanks to Mike at Leven I may never get down to having painted more than I have bought. At the moment I am on plus 14 to number painted. Consider that I have painted up ten in October and you may see my issue!

Once the main stay of my gaming life and still remains a fairly regular staple, I recently bought a lot of Greek and Persian figures but then again I did have a good run of 15mm in last years Analogue Painting Challenge.

Infantry minus 190, mostly thanks to the Roman Army but I also painted up a Phalanx and Hoplite unit. Not at all bad given I gained 62 hoplites earlier this year.

Cavalry is not so impressive with 8 more figures painted than bought. Consider though that not only did I get the Persians but I also bought a unit of Companions as well so I have got quite a few over the table.

Bought a bunch and painted not a lot. Hopefully more will get painted during the challenge but right now it does not look good.

Infantry sit at plus 96 and cavalry just 6 so plenty to be going at.

Never has been the main stay of my painting world with roleplaying being the main reason to purchase. But both Saga and Cowboys have seen the lead pile take on a fair few of these guys.

Infantry sit at plus 38 and I expect a few units for my Vikings to get over the table in the challenge and I plan to get the last of the cowboys done as well.

Cavalry with just 4 figures needing to be painted (and their on foot equivalents) I should get these done and dusted during the challenge.

Just the Arena Rex figures in this scale and you can expect to see these being painted at about one a month until they have all been finished. I now just have nine more of these to do having finished one last week. They are a joy to paint but less so to put together. Expect a slow but steady output here.


  1. Every so often it is good to take stock, if for no other reason that to remind oneself of all the wondrous shiny things that you've yet to paint!

    1. That's a great point Michael, so much of the stuff gets me going which is a good job as all of it was bought with the intent to paint. Some though really excites more than others and needs to get on that table


  2. I've been doing the same this weekend, mainly in prep for the painting challenge and because I'm running out of space. About half my figures are painted but I plan to change that over the winter except for new purchases - Christmas is coming

    1. I'm not doing much prep for the Challenge this year, though I still have plenty of prepped models from last year. Instead I will just go with the flow. I am glad to say that I have far more than half painted which is rather a relief.


  3. A very impressive output, all things considered. I've had my head down for a while now trying to reduce the lead and plastic mountains, but new figures always seem to sneak in!

    1. Well I am not planning on painting too much none Ian stuff so most that gets done in the next three months will be staying home, well except yet more Sniper reminders


  4. "For the last three months my output has been really low"

    Allow me to assuage your guilt by confessing that I have not touched brush, file or flock since June of last year. I feel that I have sufficient mitigation to offset the purchasing (which admittedly did not stop) but I am definitely looking forward to putting on some pigment again in the new year!

  5. Well at least winter is the time most do their painting, hope you get back to the brushes soon.


  6. I'm making my painting plans for next year at the moment. Managed to get a few items away this year. In the middle of a YouTube painting challenge at the moment so hopefully get another sizeable unit or 2 finished before New Year's Day, famous last words! Good luck reducing your lead pile Ian!


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