
Thursday 31 December 2015

Santa Clause 2016 Outgoing

Obviously I will not be doing a Secret Santa Outgoing post LOL but this one I can. Last year my target got a really good present so I knew I had to put in some effort but that's cool.

I did the usual reading of my targets blog until I found something I thought I could do. Gary is working on a Napoleonic French army using AB Miniatures so a look on their site brought up a set of six ADC figures and I thought that would make a good choice.

I now know that AB produce some rather fine highly detailed figures and the ADC's certanly are no exception. 

They were not too difficult to clean up though the mould lines were rather prominent. Still prep time was not too long and I primed them in black.

I used a file of ADC images to paint these up so they are reasonably accurate. I have also left the bases plain brown so Gary can base them up as he see's fit. I don't know if he will use them with command figures or as just table furniture.

I was trying to paint these up to match Gary's style though in the end they were mostly how I would do them so was rather unsuccessful in that.

They were a challenge to paint as my Napoleonic painting has all been 6mm except a few 10mm and 20mm figures a few years ago. 

You will have to forgive the photo's as I only had the one shot at them as I needed to get them into the post and the winters sun was making it interesting.

I'm just glad I don't have a whole army to paint as they rival many a 28 for detail and it seems a chime not to paint it in. 

This ones one of my favourite  and was one of the first I painted. I painted them one at a time and mostly did not repeat colours to try and keep them looking that bit different from each other.

Typically they were a lot of fun to paint, though towards the end I was starting to clock watch as the days ticked by as I wanted then to arrive before the real Christmas rush set in.

Fortunately I managed to get them done in time and had just enough spare time to really enjoy the finish.

So another fun Santa Clause for me and I am already looking forward to next years event were not even out of 2015 yet.

Talking of which, I hope you all have a great New Year which brings you just the right amount of painting and gaming.


  1. Happy New Year to you Ian and what a splendid body of work this was.

  2. That's a lovely set of ADCs you've painted for Gary.

    Happy New Year! :)

    1. Thanks, hoping your years off to a good start


  3. Nice work on the AB figures and have a great 2016 Ian!!!

    1. Thanks, you too. I'd hate to paint an army of them


  4. Nicely done...and Happy New Year!

  5. That is an outstanding present and very generous. I admire the variety of uniforms and colours you've achieved. Your gift fits the spirit of the Santa Clause project very well. Best for the new year.

    1. Thanks Michael, I really wanted a good mix of colours


  6. Cor, if I hadn't been so lazy yesterday and got diverted by a few doses of physic, I'd have beaten you to it! Still, you've saved me some work ;O)
    Excellent figures and it shows that you actually do read the blog. You're not the only person though, cos I know the other one . . . .
    So, very many thanks, especially considering the work that went into them. French ADCs in particular can be a real pain in the scrotum.
    Sincerely, very best wishes to you, Cath and the kids for the coming New Year and thanks again in case I haven't said it already.

    1. Your very welcome Gary, I remember well your kindness to the boy and he loves the figures you painted him so it was great I had you for my target.

      Hope your year is good and your hands get sorted!


  7. Top painting Ian, Gary is a lucky bunny!

    1. Thanks, they were fun to paint but I was glad to get to the end of them :-)



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