
Sunday 17 January 2016

1,000th Post Must Mean a Giveaway

Way back on 8th September 2011 I started this blog to chart my return to painting after about a twenty year break. I never expected it to reach the point where I could write a post regarding hitting 1000 posts, never mind that I would have done so in such a short period of time.

Looking back I have certainly painted up a fair few figures during the last six years, indeed I have painted more in this period than all the time I was painting the first time around. Learning so many new techniques and being a more mature painter has meant I have made a steady improvement in my skills and style. 

A big change has been my flirtation with 6mm in the early 90's becoming my main scale to paint. Not that the other scales miss out but due to Project Waterloo and now the Ancients bug I have been bashing out 6mm like my life depends on it.

I have always thought blogging as more a selfish act that a sharing one. We do it as much for the response from followers as the chance to share our work. I am lucky my wife takes an active interest in what I paint but for the main part one battalion of French line infantry looks more or less the same as the 50+ I have already showed her. So it's to you dear reader that I have to thank for making comments and keeping my ego topped up and desiring more, more I say MORE :-)

So what better way to thank the poor sods who follow this blog than do a giveaway? It's about time as it's been a long time since the last one, now what can we go with?

Two boxes of Tajima1 grass tufts of your choice from the grass tufts range (up to £6 per box)

Thirty mixed height trees from Leven Miniatures wire tree range for 6mm gaming as pictured above.

2x Copy of the Latest The Manor roleplaying zine packed with interesting bits and pieces.

So that's four prizes, feel free to throw your name in the hat for any or all the listed prizes, I will be closing the giveaway on the 26th and announcing the prizes on the 27th. 

No extra goes for blogging about it or adding links back here but it would be great if you do as it gets a wider audience, good luck to all.


  1. Congratulations on 1000 posts, that's more than 3 per week. That's hell of an output and always enjoyable. Here's to the next 1000. Put me down for the grass tufts ta

  2. Congrats on hitting 1000 posts. Put me down for the grass tufts please

  3. Congratulations on 1000 posts. That's an incredible amount of blogging. When do you find the time to paint? Please put me down for the Leven trees.

  4. Congratulations! That's an impressive accomplishment indeed! Please put me down for the tufts. I look forward to seeing the next 1000 posts.

  5. Huge congrats on 1000 posts! I hope you get another 1000 in before too long. Ivy says hello and GO STEELERS!

  6. Congrats old boy, put me down for the grass tufts, thanks!

  7. Congrats! I would love to win some of those trees or copies of the Manor!

  8. Congratulations. Great work

  9. 1000 posts? Well done Ian - congrats! :D

    Please stick me down for the tufts or trees.

  10. 1000 posts! That's amazing. For someone with a relatively new blog, that seems like a crazy insurmountable number... but it obviously can be done. Well done!

  11. Congratulations on a fine milestone.

    I could go in for the tufts or trees if you would be so kind.

  12. Very many congratulations Ian, that really is a splendid milestone - here's to many more please. I'd like to be in the draw for the tufts please, most generous of you.

  13. Congratulations, could always use some more tufts!

  14. Huge Congratulations, wish I had your drive and talent.

    But don't enter me in your contest, that's not why I posted.

    Again, congratulations. Your work looks great!

  15. Well done that man and an great blog with it.
    Put me down for a chance for the tufts please.

    Cheers Dan

  16. congrats of the 1,000 post. Well done sir you have a great blog.

  17. Congrats on the 1000th post Ian, the Grass Tufts seem to be popular, put me down for them as well please.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Grats on the 1000 posts, that's one helluva achievement!

    No prize draw for me though, the postage to Oz will be prohibitive!

  20. Congrats on the milestone! Awesome work!

  21. Congrats man! Put me down for the grass tufts!

  22. Congrats and well earned! I agree about blogging, its very motivational and we have a great community going.

    Pop me down for the trees please - for the 6mm ECW project I am doing with Dux

  23. Congrats! I am always in for some terrain stuff.

  24. It might not give Extra Credit, but giving you a shout-out gave me a reason to put the first post of the year up on my blog, thanks for that.

    Put me down for the tufts or the trees, please.

  25. Congrat's Ian! Some grass tufts would be very cool.

  26. Congratulations! That's an impressive tally - I hope there's many more to come.

    Please put my name in for the tufts.

  27. Congratulations, no prize for me please, but well done man!

  28. Congrats, very impressive milestone!

  29. Congratulations, Ian! ONE THOUSAND posts is, indeed, a very big milestone to tick off your To Do List.

    Please place my name in the hat for the TUFTS and TREES.

  30. Congratulations! 1000 posts are no small achievement, indeed.
    Giveaways really spice up our days and I would very much like to have a go at the tufts.

  31. Count me in. 1000 post is indeed a milestone. I wonder how many words that is?

  32. 1000 posts! And here I was thinking I might be lucky to hit 400 by the end of the year!

  33. Thanks for all the comments, looks like the tufts are popular


  34. Ooh, well done! I'll jump in to the giveaway for the tufts and the trees.

  35. Wow, 1000 posts is a great tally, especially considering the quality of the posts!

    Here's to the next 1000.

    Oh, and put me in the draw for the tufts if you'd be so kind!

    1. Thanks Derek, it might take me a tad longer to get the next 1,000 done though


  36. Cor, just about in time, I guess! Real life can be a damn' nuisance at times - all the time reallt.

    Anyway, well done on the post total I'll achieve my 1,000th about the time of my 104th birthday. Give away will probably be a packet of incontenance pads (unused). In the meantime, I'd like to be considered for the tufts please (ignore everyone else!).

  37. Congrats. Well done on keeping it up.

    I would be interested in the level trees.

  38. Congratulations on the 1000th post jeez thats amazing. Put me down for the grass tuffs please.

  39. I just hit 1000 myself congratulations not sure how I missed this earlier count me in

  40. Ian
    Congrats on your Kilo! Put me down for any of the above.

  41. Terrific achievement. Very impressed with your blog and all you do for the hobby. I'd be delighted to get the Leven trees.

  42. 1000 posts?! Congratulations!
    Count me in for the draw too please!

  43. Congratulations! I am in!!!! Any of the terrain items will do since I am starting to build up my 6mm armies.

  44. Congratulations! (trees please)

    Have a military quiz for your efforts;

    1) 'Madison's War' - what was it? when was it? where was it?

    2) If I shouted 'uSuthu!' - what C19th war would I be describing?

    3) Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol - tell me what it is?

    4) From 1652 to 1654, the Commonwealth of England and the United Provinces of the Netherlands fought a conflict entirely at sea - what was this war called?

    5) During WW1, soldiers held socks, rags, handkerchiefs, cotton pads soaked in urine over their mouths and noses - against what weapon were they doing this for?

  45. I love your blog - its so regular and fun to read!

    Im down for anything except the RPG mag :)

  46. Well done Ian, that's a great achievement!!!


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