
Tuesday 5 January 2016

The Boy gets Rifle Power

I am using this years Painting Challenge to jump start my sons British Peninsular Napoleonic army. He chose the rifles as the next thing for me to paint and these were the second entry into the Challenge.

These are Baccus figures with a nice level of detail, it was a bit of a do I don't I regards the basing as they really need to be on a 60x60 but I also wanted them to feature as skirmishes as well. In the end I did two slightly different versions.

First up the 60th Rifles, originally raised in America they were to find their way into the Peninsular war. These have the distinctive red facings which fortunately do show up, helped in part by me painting them yellow before the red so as to pop the red a little.

The 60th were treated like line battalions with the main body to the rear of the stand and just four skirmishes out forward.

The 95th, famous from the Sharpe novels have far more troops out front and as such the main body is rather diminished.

The black facings do not stand out as much as the red of the 60th which is OK. I am not sure how many times The Boy will get to use both rifle battalions but he has them ready. His next troops will be two regiments of Dragoons and then it will be on to the Redcoats. Hopefully we will be able to get a few games in a month or two.


  1. When I did Berdan's Sharpshooters for my Union army, I split them over two 30x60mm bases so that they could be shown two-wide or two-deep, with all the figures in skirmish order.

    Nice work on the 60th and 95th Ian :)

    1. We will be painting up a few stands on 30x30 to represent units in built up areas, for these we will use skirmisher figures


  2. Very nice indeed Ian, the red really does help to lift the 60th.

    1. It's nice to actually talk about the 60th it's so under the shadow of the 95th


  3. Replies
    1. Cheers Roger, looking forward to posting the other 6mm figs I have painted over the last two weeks


  4. Nice base.... close ups per chance?


    1. I'm not that brave lol, you can click on the images and it blows them up



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