
Sunday 6 March 2016

Time Goes By and Baccus Horse Archers

It's been over a week without a post, anyone would think I had ran off somewhere. But it's just been one of those weeks of not getting round to it. Fortunately I have been painting so not all is lost. It's also almost the end of the Analogue Painting Challenge, by this point a lot of us are starting to feel the burn and looking forward to getting to the finish line and a rest from painting. Me, that's not the case, I have not painted as much in some previous challengers but a higher percentage of my free time has been committed to this year. I will slow down a little, just to allow other pleasures to be had but over all it will be more a change of focus including the new project that will start just after the challenge. The Ancients project will continue to be one of the main areas of painting and I am really looking forward to getting more buildings painted, both Leven and more western buildings that are built but have no paint on them.

So lets get back to the figures. Here are another five units of horse archers, all are Baccus Saka galloping pose. Three different figure poses in a pack so you get a nice mix. I have mounted these on 60x60 bases (same size as the pike) with about seven figures to a base.

The great thing about 6mm you can really make an imprecision and a sense of mass with the basing. Here is the exact opposite, just a few figures but the space they take up gives themselves a presence all of their own. No one looking at the bases will doubt these are but pin pricks but will all the same sense the swirling troops with arrows flying towards their enemy.

This will give me a total of seven units, more than I will need so a couple will find their way to Lee who can also use them with some of his armies.

Talking of Lee, he has finally caught the bug with his 6mm Ancients and has started to do more work on his Roman army. Not only basing the figures he had already bought but also painting up a few more. It may be quite soon that we will get a game in using these figures. Good job too as he seems to have booked an Ancients game for the next Joy of Six.


  1. I was wondering about 6mil and your work is an excellent advert for this scale. Thanks for sharing this

    1. It can be a real cost effective way of playing. That said if you are not careful you can find your collection get real big


  2. Great stuff - I like the way you have them riding in the dreaded horse archer circles.

    1. Thanks Michael, the image was something I was keen to catch


  3. You were beginning to win me over to the idea of 6mil for things other than mechanised warfare, but I think this has clinched it. Nice! A Cantabrian circle that looks like a Cantabrian circle 👍

    1. Oh Gary, sounds good, maybe you will use those Naps for more than just grips for the tires in the snow ;-)


  4. More excellent work Ian, sounds as if the 6mm bug is spreading.

    1. I hope so, once you realise how easy 6mm can be then it opens up a lot of projects


  5. As others have mentioned, I too, like the basing of the archers in their circular formation.

    1. It's so iconic but so rare on the wargames table



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