
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Parliaments Horse by Baccus

Still slowly filling in the posts for the last entries into this years Analogue Painting Challenge. The penultimate offering is two regiments of Cavalry for Essex, well Lee but you know what I mean.

I was hoping to get more units for both Lee and myself for our ECW armies but in the end I was rather more focused on other projects. I still have quite a bit of Lee's figures sitting waiting but other projects are more interesting for both of us at the moment but I will keep them in mind so I can add a few every now and again. Especially as we almost have enough units painted to sort out a game.

The Earl of Essex had a Lifeguard of cavalry to go with his regiment of Foote, well he was loaded after all. Again the uniform was tawny orange which makes them nice and bright. The only detail I know of the ensign is that it is red with a white scroll so I went nice and simple.

The second regiment, Colonel John Dalbier's Regiment is far more lost in detail. I have gone with a red coat simply as it will stand out well and also a red flag. What I do know is that Dalbier was locked in The Tower and was given his freedom on condition of raising a regiment for Parliament which he did. His regiment of cavalry was quite large and fought at Edgehill. The regiment disappears from Essex's listed regiments probably on the replacing of Dalbier as the commanding officer when he fell out of favour around a year or two into the war.

The figures are all Baccus and were nice and clean castings with the lobster pot being of exceptional detail with the face bars. I have plenty of other regiments I can paint up from the army at Edgehill so will not fall short of units to paint.

Unfortunately I did not take many pics of the units before handing them over to Lee so I can't give you much to look at. Next lot I will do better.


  1. Excellent work as always Ian!


    1. Thanks Peter, a few more yet to paint


  2. You really did get a tremendous amount of miniatures painted Ian - another fabulous entry.

    1. I was very happy with my production rate, a lot slower at the moment though


  3. Nice job Ian. Pity that they are rebel scum but a Cavalier has to some somebody to skewer eh?

    1. That's the way I think too, just targets LOL


  4. Looks good, Ian. Have a groovy weekend.


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