
Monday 2 May 2016

New Buys

Not one set of rules but two. Went round to Lee's for a game and was taken by surprise that he had set up a Flames of War game. To date we had just played the one game even though Lee has invested quite heavily in both troops and terrain. However as neither of us had actually read the rules recently (well over a year for me) and the mix of units was so dense I questioned the practicalness of playing as we already are not huge fans of the rules. My point being a poor game will just make us less likely to want to do so again and given the investment Lee has made that would be really not a good result.

So we talked about the rules and the HMG incident came up, this is where four MG's took out a large amount of infantry in one turn due to the bucket(s) of dice thrown over the table. Then other irritants got brought up and I started to wonder if playing a game with little or no prep would have done much more damage. The end result was Lee reminiscing over his Rapid Fire days even pulling out the supplements though the rules are AWOL.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and we both have new copies and on reading them I am confident not only will we like them but we can work with the FOW based figures so no rebasing. The only real negative is that Lee won't be needing anything like the number of vehicles he has bought, then again he still had too many for FOW but that's our Lee :-)

The second set of rules I have already played with Kev and Andy so know what I am getting into. These are of course for our SYW project. However my copy came with a box of Warlord Waterloo Napoleonic figures, all nice and sealed. Given my scale is 6mm for Naps these are surplus to requirements so if anyone wants  a box for £15 plus postage at cost just let me know and they are yours.

I have also bought a SYW Prussian army from Lancashire Games with the idea that these will paint up a lot quicker than the Old Glory and give me a good base of troops to expand on for our campaign. However like a prat I ordered the wrong army. Allan at LG has been very understanding and is replacing the army with the correct one, great service for sure. So whilst I await the army I have made a start on a couple of guns. Given my current painting rate it's going to be a slow run but I will now concentrate on a single unit at a time. 

I also have managed to paint up a couple of 6mm Phalanx's so it's not all stationary traffic.


  1. Looking forward to the 6mm Phalanx's! Great purchases BTW!


    1. Just posted them. I think I will be getting my monies worth out of them


  2. One of my local clubs - the Redcar Ironbeards - uses Rapid Fire rules with FOW bases and figures. From what I remember, they simply note with a small dice the number of casualties taken etc. Firing quantity, and stuff like that, probably being taken from how many figures are on any given base.

    1. That's exactly how we plan to do it. Means each base is a bit stronger than a typical RF unit but I think that will be OK


  3. That's our issues with it too. Seen to many games with neat lines of wrecked tanks to really be happy with them. Would have given them a fair crack if we had continued in that direction but this seems better.

    First two battalions posted last week, just finishing a couple of guns and markers, will be posting them early next week I think



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