
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Joy of Six - The Spoils

As I mentioned in yesterdays post I spent most of my time at our game (so no pics at all of other games) but I did get a little retail time in.

Not that I did that much buying, I could have bought from several of the traders, near misses were Heroic's and Ross for either more WWI planes in the hope of getting me to paint something up or the Russian WWII ones I want to go onto. Rapier for a bigger mix of Ancients but I have to admit I really don't yet need to diversify.

I just got two packs from Baccus, some Egyptian Marines to add a bit more diversity to my Persians. Eventually the Persians will have a large and multinational army, lots of colour and type. I also bought a pack of Prodromoi Cavalry these will actually be used as more Companion cavalry but provide a few more poses. I was going to buy The Boy more Napoleonic British but he really has enough I have yet to paint to buy more......yet.

Something on my to get list for quite some time which I finally picked up from Leven Miniatures is a pack of green stuff for when I need to do a bit of filling or modelling. 

Keeping with Leven for the rest of the way I bought a couple more buildings to go with the others already bought for our Ancients games. These will give me a reasonable sized town.

For my ECW and Napoleonic's I have bought three more of the Medieval range. These are all fairly new releases and as such not yet painted by me and so rather exciting to get at them.

After seeing these buildings painted by Craig Armstrong I just had to buy them, these can be used with Lee's Roman's for Ancients but also plugged into our Peninsular Napoleonic's.

I really love these buildings, as you can see I have rather restocked but that's well below half the story as Mick has given me a whole box of Biblical buildings for a range he will be releasing as soon as I get them all painted. No pressure then. I will be buying a load of these as well as they are bloody marvellous. This is where Leven Miniatures really scores big, most of their ranges have good depth rather than a selection that needs high levels of repetition to make up more than a few buildings. Indeed his latest range is Old West with 18 codes and 25 buildings in total!

So not too big a pile, enough to set my paint to finished ratio a step or two backwards but I have been reasonably busy over the last month making some room in the to paint boxes. I even should finish two things this week maybe a few more and I have more that is finished just waiting a moment to post them.


  1. A tidy little haul. I actually got my first 6mm troops in ages yesterday. Little MDF fellas. We shall see what we make of 'em.

    1. I have just posted my MDF Italian artillery. I still give these a quick wash of Chestnut Brown Ink which picks out the detail better and highlights the faces


  2. A splendid haul Ian, looking forward to seeing those buildings come to life.

    1. You will have to wait a little while as I have to get the Babylonian ones painted first, well a lot of them at least :-)


  3. Hadn't heard of Levin before, thanks for the tip!

    1. Your welcome, their quality is great, I love the breadth of ranges they put out



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