
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Prussian SYW Command

Whatever rules we finally settle on (yet to play a single game) we need command stands and as most rules have similar requirements I thought it safe to base up a few commanders.

First up some from the Lancashire Games Prussian command pack with both a niggle and a thumbs up. The niggle is that the only Prussian Generals, ADC's etc is this pack of 7 models that includes an unmounted horse. The issue being that as only two of the figures are mounted you can't just buy a few packs and make up your command bases. I either have to buy from the other nations or buy from other suppliers. Being as I already have bought Timecasts Old Glory Prussian command it's a mute point for me.

However all is forgiven as the quality and character make them a must have for my tabletop. They tend to be a bit on the slim side when compared with the rest of the range but that's not a big issue. I love the little diorama of having a messengers horse held whilst he offers Fredrick a rolled up dispatch.

This will make a nice centre piece for my army, I have used all but the Hussar from the set. He was painfully thin and was just one figure too many for how I planned the bases but he may get on a future base.

But this one steals the show for me. I will be using this one for an infantry brigade. The commander is sat on a tree stump whilst a subordinate pays his respects, possibly before delivering an order from Fredrick to get off his backside and get his brigade forward.

Not the best pictures and I have struggled all week to try and get something worth showing as the weather has been rain or bright sunshine.

My last base is populated by Old Glory figures mentioned above. I have already used a few as battalion commanders so knew they painted up well. These I like as a brigade command, again I like these for infantry though for tonight's game them may have to command my cavalry.

I am not a fan of the rider and saddle etc. as one cast with the horse as a second that Old Glory sculpt them in but others feel differently so it's just a matter of taste.

So three command stands all painted and ready for their first game. Hopefully the next game will see at least another one or two bases painted of command and possibly yet more troops. I have prepped my first heavy cavalry and hope to get them started any day. Still need to have a crack at grenadiers but it's fair to say the army is starting to take shape. OK tonight will see too many bare lead figures on bare bases but that should just get me to paint up more ready for the next bash. I still have a big bag of untouched infantry and guns to keep me busy so expect rather more in the coming months.


  1. These are fab, really like the poses

  2. Nice command stands Ian :)

    Like you, I'm not a fan of saddles and saddle-cloths cast with the rider - Blue Moon has them as well as Old Glory

    1. Shame to hear Blue Moon does it as well as I will be buying some of these at a later point.


  3. Lovely little dioramic command bases. :)

  4. Wonderful command stands, very atmospheric, excellent job!

  5. Excellent command vignettes, Ian! As for one or two part cavalry, I am still on fence on that count. Sometimes I prefer one piece castings; other times, two pieces are better. With two piece castings, is it better to have rider and saddle or horse and saddle? Another conundrum!

    1. The thing is for me I still glue them in place before painting so gain nothing from them being two piece. I would like them better if they fitted to the horse better.


  6. Not exactly my period but very well done indeed! Love the little vignettes you created, each one telling a story.

    1. Thanks, it's not really my period either but thanks to The Boy we are now gaming the period



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