
Thursday 4 August 2016

3rd Leibregiment of Cuirassiers by Lancashire Games

I managed to get a regiment of Cuirassiers painted up in the first few days of my week off work. Good job too as most of my hobby time post this was spent on basing up or painting more of The Boys figures.

These are Lancashire Games SYW Prussian Cuirassiers and I have based them eight figures to a base for a sixteen figure unit. Four figures more than I used for the Hussars and one or two more than the Dragoons will get. This makes my cavalry rather expensive given the price of 15mm but after seeing the game at Partizan this year it was the only way to go. 

The horses are a little skinny for my liking but have reasonable detail and take paint really well so overall I am pleased. I have enough figures for one more regiment then will have to decide if I am going to buy Blue Moon or buy more of these. Either way it's quite probable I will be buying more Lancashire Games ones just for the speed they can be painted. The cost is also a draw being rather cheap, price to quality is a real good mix.

Given that I will possibly end up with about nine regiments of Cuirassiers the lower price the better. I read somewhere that the Cuirassier and Dragoon regiments used black horses so I went for all black on these guys whilst the Dragoons will have to have a mix as I work on the idea that they would not have the pick on the bunch.

The ensign had a metal flag attached but I cut this away so I could add a Fighting Fifteen's flag. This is the same make as the infantry ones seen previously.

I still don't have enough painted units for a game but I took all my based figures over to Lee's last Friday for a game (camera ran out of battery on first shot!). The game was fun with Lee really mauling me at a few points. I beat back his cavalry - just - even though I outnumbered his but they were in such bad shape that I was not in a good position to fight the rest of his cavalry off. Meanwhile I broke one of his infantry divisions but only to see one of mine routed. As mine were holding the village and the loss of this meant Lee had a lot more infantry to throw at my remaining division I thought it better to scarper. So two games with Lee so it looks good at least for now.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin, will have a lot more to do before I am finished, just don't have your output :-)


  2. There is a virtue in a good simple paint job reproduced en masse. Neat work.

    1. I am never a fan of white, too hard to get any shading to show (not that I tried that hard with these) but yes these are certainly based to be mass :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Don't worry next in the SYW is a little bit of French


  4. Ian, I agree with you regarding the scrawny LG horses. Still, they look good en masse and do not look out of place on the gaming table with other manufacturers' horseflesh. I use LG cavalry in separate units on the table alongside Eureka and AB 18mm Napoleonics and they look fine.

    1. Mine will need to stand next to Old Glory and Blue Moon so will be interesting how that works out. Given the numbers I plan to field I think they should be fine.


  5. Skinny horses aside these look rather splendid Ian, well done.

    1. Thanks Michael, just need to add to them all



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