
Monday 5 September 2016

I Won I Won

Hail Caesar Army Lists - Biblical & Classical

Big Lee ran a great prize draw for 2 million hits, that is a HUGE number. Best of all I only scoured the top prize. £50 Warlord voucher so I thought I would share it with my Lee as he was yet to get the Black Powder rule book but had bought it the day before! We both already have the SYW supplement so I thought it a good idea to buy the two army lists for Hail Caesar, this way both of us could benefit as we plan to have a few goes with those rules. I already like them and expect Lee to do so as well.

I also thought I would try Warlords drybrushes so got a few of these. The prize has already been shipped so I await with all the excitement of a small child. 

Massive thanks to Big Lee for being such a sport and I will be thinking of the gift every time  I use an army from these books.

Hail Caesar Army Lists - Late Antiquity to early Medieval


  1. Great choice of goodies, I'm really glad the voucher came in useful. Have fun!

    1. Oh it did, they arrived yesterday, top service from Warlord Games. Even got to use one of the brushes last night and take the army lists over to Lee's for some planning


  2. Congrats on the win and nice idea to back it back. Have fun dreaming and planning with the army lists. Will we see these inspire Cahallenge projects?
    Cheers, Peter

    1. Probably not directly as my 15mm SYW will take a front seat whilst Ancients will be more about top ups on what I already own. Though indirectly it may influence the 6mm armies I am working on that will also see some Challenge work.


  3. Congrats on the win. Great use of the gift voucher, my favorite period. A generous give-away by Big Lee.

    1. Indeed it was. I really like Ancients as it seems to have the largest mix of units and so many armies to choose from


  4. Lucky guy! Looks like you entry was just under the wire.

    1. It was and I do feel a bit embarrassed about that. If I had realised it was being drawn hours after my plug I would not have linked it on Lee's blog. But a win is a win LOL


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, surprised I am not saying that to you LOL


  6. Replies
    1. Very lucky, left the lists at Lee's so he can finish off his 6mm Romans for a game



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