
Friday 16 September 2016

SYW Prussian Converged Grenadiers 1/23rd by Old Glory

I've managed two games with these figures and still not managed to get them on the blog so thought I should make time for them. These are the Old Glory figures provided by Timecast and a bag of approximately 50 figures including command cost £15.

I have actually started a second battalion but moved onto other figures so will have to get those finished in the next few weeks or so. Just like the Prussian line battalions painted before these are really nice and well detailed figures. A pack of fifty give enough figures for us to put together three battalions by using a couple of mounted figures in the mix. This is in part because we have received more than the stated 50 figures so may fall short in a future pack.

Each battalion comprises of three bases of six figures each for eighteen in total. The mix of poses make the unit look more interesting but slows down painting a bit. By only painting one battalion at a time it has got a unit done fairly quickly though batch painting makes better use of ones painting time.

Using three bases like this allow us to make use of line and column. If these were Napoleonic's we would have to have four bases so be able to do squares but fortunately this is not a requirement in the SYW. This now gives me six battalions of infantry, I have been working on a couple of light infantry battalions so will be turning my attention to a few cavalry regiments and two more command bases.

The 1/23rd Converged Grenadiers wore the same uniforms except the piping on the mitres so look the same from the front. The next battalion will have more differences so will be a bit more tricky to paint but look more rewarding.

Being the grenadier companies from two regiments they do not carry a standard of their own. At a later date I will paint up a couple of regular Grenadier battalions and these will have standards to fly. I could in fact just paint up a few extra command bases to allow a lower cost grouping but I doubt I will take that route. If time gets tight then I may consider it.

These are Blue Moon as supplied by Old Glory UK and are French Scomberg Dragoons and a pack of French Generals for The Boy. I now have them cleaned up and primed and will be the next figures of his I will be painting up. Before I start these I want to get some more 6mm command and cavalry done for my Alexandrian army painted up. These were also prepped yesterday. 


  1. Beautiful Grenadiers uniforms and great paint job!

    1. Thanks Phil, painted up a couple of light battalions now as well


  2. The sculpts look and a great bit of painting.

    1. Thanks, now painting 6mm for a change


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Andy

      not quite Savage Swans LOL


  4. Really well done on these! I can't stress it enough, but your basing really brings these to another level.

    1. Thanks, I am running out of sharp sand so will need to get a new mix together but should still look the same


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