
Sunday 23 October 2016

Egyptian Infantry Baccus 6mm and Thoughts of the Analogue Painting Challenge

I still need to add a fair bit to my Persian army before I can even think of using it to fight my Alexandrian army. One area that needs expansion is the Hoplite type units. I already have four standard Greek Hoplites and I am rather fond of my now defunct Egyptians in my 15mm army. The big shields make them rather impressive. Typically the Egyptian Marines are of slightly lower quality than their Greek counterparts so will have to bear that in mind when they get their stats.

These are Baccus and a full pack (APE11) is just enough for me to do two units, so that's £3.30 per unit. I will probably buy another pack of these or the very similar Assyrian Spearmen (APE08) that I can also use as close order infantry.

The shields are two different reds to give a bit of difference but I expect them to fight in the same formation so the difference should be seen but not punch you in the mouth different.

I am close to out for my Persians, just a couple of cavalry units left to paint (I have 4 almost finished) three command bases and three scythed chariots and a couple of units of peltasts that could work for either army. I also have four phalanx units for my Macedonian army but that's the lot.

Which kind of brings me onto the upcoming painting challenge. I have set myself the task of having enough painted SYW to play a game without using any unpainted in a game. Well that will be easy to do as I am well on my way to that goal. I have two regiments of cavalry and a stalled battalion of Grenadiers on my desk at the moment and these should all be finished before October is out. Just a few more command and guns should make that a reasonable force and it will be easy to add a few more infantry battalions before or during the challenge.

So looking at it afresh I think I will set down a few pre challenge goals and what I hope to do during the challenge itself.

Finish off my started figures and only complete all I start before the challenge
Paint up two more choices of The Boy, this will probably be SYW but could be his 6mm British Naps.
Rebase all my 15mm pike blocks to single bases and as such make them easier to use.
Paint up some Napoleonic Prussians in 6mm
Lots of prep again so I am ready to go.

The Challenge
Six battalions of SYW infantry in 15mm including some of The Boy
Couple of SYW guns 
Two SYW cavalry regiments
At least twelve battalions of 6mm Napoleonic infantry
At least four pike phalanx's 
Two Persian Satrap cavalry units in 6mm
Two 15mm Ancient cavalry units
 Various modern roleplaying figures in 28mm
Couple of my 32mm gladiatorial resin figures.
Bunch of Macedonian command as I don't have enough!

That lot comes to just under 700 points so if previous challengers are to go by I should kill this total. Time will tell though as looking at it it looks a lot!


  1. Now that's a nice mix for the challenge looking forward to seeing this lot painted up in your fine style.
    I'm still impressed by the Baccus range - especially the new ECW figures.

    1. I really like them as well. Only problem is that I have so many of the old castings to paint that I probably will not be buying many of the new ones, certainly not in the near future


  2. Excellent work on your Egyptians! 700 points in three months? You should kill it!

    1. I should kill it but my painting has slowed down some and it does look a lot to me but who knows


  3. Sounds like a plan Ian. I'm not sure how much 6mm I'll have for painting this year - it all depends on whether and how many infantry reinforcement packs I buy for my ACW armies.

    I'll also be doing some 15mm SYW - more lovely Russkis, this time with added Cossacks!

    Nice work on the Egyptians :)

    1. SYW should see a fair bit of exposure in this years challenge then


  4. Lovely work Ian, they do look mightily impressive. Great to see the plans for the challenge too, I must start thinking about what I would like to get done.

    1. Thanks Michael, I spent a lot of my day off doing prep work for the challenge. I had a VERY bad cramp that morning in my lower leg so was excused going out ;-)


  5. Good plan I also have an 18th century project in 15mm to work on.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, the army is starting to look something like now



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