
Thursday 13 October 2016

SYW Prussian Light Infantry

Black Powder's supplement The Last Argument of Kings gives the Prussians one unit of light infantry as a maximum but a number of campaigns saw more than one fighting in the same battle. This may well be especially true once we start fighting a campaign.

We decided to make the fight units up with half the number of figures. This really is not correct as per BP as they pack as much punch as a normal battalion but I don't feel this should always be so. I am thinking of reducing their attack dice to represent their more open formation that is allowed by being in skirmish formation.

This battalion is Le Noble and has Jagger troops attached hence the green jackets on a couple of the figures. Talking of which these are the Old Glory as supplied by Timecast and come in a mixed pack of these and horse artillery. Unfortunately they come without command figures but do have a mix of three figures. The horse artillery also does not come with limbers so I think it's a poor mix really. I would prefer to have the option to buy limbers and guns in a pack with the light jaggers in another pack.

I used a spare officer from another pack for these boys. They al;so had the advantage of painting up quickly, always a bonus. I also painted up a second unit that at first glance look the same but have a few small differences.

von Mayr is the second battalion and I am thinking I will probably use one unit in a game and the other in the next game. However just wait till we get a big game going (about five years I am guessing LOL).

I have another one battalion of Grenadiers on the table that need finishing but can't decide if I will carry on with these or paint up some more cavalry given I only have the one painted. Indeed I need to buy more soon as I just don't have enough units for a decent force.

Both battalions together. The main differences is the cuffs on the Jagger's and Le Noble have a light blue trim to the jacket fronts as well as waistcoats.

Once I get the cavalry sorted out I should be able to crack on with the infantry and be in a position to actually play a few games with a fully painted force. I am setting myself a target of achieving this by the end of this years painting challenge. If I don't make the target I still will be a lot closer to the goal.


  1. One of my issues with Last Argument of Kinds is they way they have a single army list for each country covering almost a whole century.

    1. Mine too, but unfortunately it's not the only issue with the book. Very much an over priced under achieving source but the rules themselves do work for the period.


  2. I love the colours on these Ian, really striking.

    1. Thanks, the plate and images I have seen show them to be rather bright so that's what I went for. Glad you like them


  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, got a few other bits done that are down the queue just got to find the time to post them



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