
Wednesday 21 December 2016

French SYW Dragoons by Lancashire Games

Sorry it's been over a week since my last post. Not that I have nothing to post about, just mostly worn down by a busy end to our busy period at work along with being more than a little under the weather. I managed to resist posting about all my prep (well post dedicated to the subject). However that was what took up most of my hobby time but in the end the need to paint something won out and I got these almost finished before the Analogue Painting Challenge started.

These are Lancashire Games French Dragoons from their SYW range and are for The Boy's army. He now has two regiments of Dragoons, three guns, three command stands and a single battalion of infantry. Clearly I need to now pay attention to expanding this arm of his army.

The Boy choose the regiment for me to paint based on images of the regiments and their cornets. He has another regiment picked out that I hope to paint for him during the challenge but that is a bit down the list of unit to do. He will be receiving more Lancashire Games figures for Christmas, enough to make a further two regiments of dragoons and and four battalions of infantry. After that I will have to get him some heavy cavalry, hussars and grenadiers. That should keep me busy.

This is the regiment Languedoc which did not it appears have a very busy war but The Boy liked the colour of the uniform and the two colour standard seems he will be building a colourful army. 

Next up for his army will be one more battalion of his own uniform design then onto a couple of normal uniform colours so plenty to go at over the next few months.


  1. Nicely done. Lancashire do some nice figures.

    1. They do, I like their infantry the best (SYW)


  2. Replies
    1. Not an option with Lancashire Games, might find some from Essex and do some of those but I will have another five Lancashire Games ones before that happens


  3. So great that he's painting too. Neato.

    1. Mostly I paint his figures as he wonders in and out of painting at the moment


  4. That's a fine body of horse Ian, nicely done Sir.

    1. Thanks Michael, I have some wonderful Hussars that Lee has given me, just need to base them up



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