
Wednesday 28 December 2016

That's A Lot of Bristles.

As 2016 limps out of the building I managed a few good long sessions at the painting table and I needed them! I knew I had another 400(ish) Baccus figures landing in my lap Christmas day so I wanted to get this lot off the table before the year came to an end.

Those who have followed this blog for some time know of my plans to paint up twenty phalanx of pike, each numbering 96 figures. These bring my total up to fourteen and with another four all bright and shinny waiting to be prepped that will get me so close to that target.

My shields always look better from a distance ;-)  Now I am reaching the magic twenty I do think that maybe once I have enough opposition for them I really need to think about doing more, after all if twenty look good how good would thirty look?

Well this is what fourteen look like. At some point we plan to put on a game at Joy of Six, as it stands it will be the end of the pike era facing the Romans. However it could yet be against the Persians, all depends on what we get painted up. Lee is sorting out the Romans and I have made a start on the Persians. 

Obviously the Macedonian armies are not just pike and as such I need quite a supporting cast but I already have a fair few cavalry and other troop types but it's the phalanx that takes the time and of course adds most to the cost. Each base costs £6.60 in figures alone but it's worth it for the effect alone. However each block is the equal to four Napoleonic infantry battalion. Sobering thought.

I plan to get the next four blocks done before the challenge finishes but that really depends on progress of other projects. Both The Boy's and my 15mm SYW armies need to see a fair bit of the challenge, and I have other 6mm periods to scratch so diversity in 6mm with a curve ball or two in 15mm just to keep an edge to what I have on the table.

These four got the addition of casualties which makes use of the open space in front of the troops. Something that will see further use and lead to other additions. 

the gluing of the pikes remains one of the more time consuming parts but it also gives a sense of achievement as it acts as a real countdown to being done.

Keeping with the SYW I have half based my Santa Clause this morning and hope to get pictures of these and the unit of Hussars Lee gave me just before Christmas.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Andy, got some 15mm ones to do at some point soon, plus yours ?


  2. Those look great. 30 seems like a good starting point...

  3. 20? why stop there?

    Four more impressive little pike blocks for your army :)

    1. Good question Tamsin! Why stop at 20? :-)

    2. It's the other troop types I have to add to as well. I just see Waterloo and think, we can do more , lots more......


  4. Wow, Ian. These look killer good.

    1. Thanks Happy

      I hope the killer bit is right, well unless I am fighting against them


  5. They really are killer pieces of work!

    1. Cheers Peter, really want to get a full army so far pic going


  6. They look fantastic. I think units like pike blocks are where 6mm really comes into its own. The shields look great.

    1. I agree, when these get on the table their mass will really suck the eye in and those who are less interested in 6mm will see the potential


  7. That is patient and quality work Ian!

    1. Cheers Fran but not that patient as I whipped through them. However lets see how I fair with the next lot


  8. They look incredible, the perfect miniatures for this era.

    1. Thanks, I am looking forward to getting a game, been two years and not a die cast


  9. Wonderful work Ian! Really does give you the feel of how these formations must have looked back then.

    1. Such a mass of figures does give that heavy heavy look


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