
Thursday 26 January 2017

Commission Figurines 6mm MDF Cavalry

I finally get round to painting up the Commission Figurines 6mm Light Cavalry figures I was sent over a year ago. The biggest advantage at least from my point of view these figures have is the speed and ease of painting.

If your aim is to paint up a large force quickly, or your on a tight budget these figures could be the ones for you. At wargaming distance they will look rather good, especially if you go a few shades brighter. I swapped some Adler Poles for some more Commission figures last night so will be doing a few more at some point (infantry and artillery) but not in the next few months.

So I painted the first two as Polish Hussars, the 10th and 13th to be exact. These are now part of Lee's collection as he is building up the Poles so it did not seem worthwhile for me to paint them up as well. Being Hussar figures they were perfect subjects.

Where MDF fall down for me is the flatness of the figures, somewhat 2D in a 3D world. BUT if I was painting a whole army this way then it would be less of a issue. Having seen a whole battle fought with these models I know just how good they look.

The other two bases are Chasseur Regiments for my French army and by painting over the Pellese it simply disappears. 

I have been given the idea of painting up stands of these figures to be used with Command & Colours Napoleonic's that I play with my son. Given the speed of painting and cost involved I think I just have got to have a play with it. Not sure how I will store them though...........


  1. Beautiful and very impressive!

  2. It's funny, but there is something about the 'flatness' of them that makes them all the more charming.

    1. I agree Michael, very much like the almost flats that old school minis look like


  3. I do like these. Are they easy to paint?

    1. Very easy and very quick, allow you to build a force quickly and for a lot less than metal


  4. Replies
    1. The Poles have ran away to Lee's, just can't keep them you see



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