
Saturday 18 March 2017

15mm Lancashire Games French SYW Infantry

Well a month without posts and it flew past. Not having your own computer was a real pain in the backside. Though I was not aware it had been a whole month since I posted here. Well I now have my own computer again so expect more posts again, though I have painted far less than you would expect without the distraction of a computer.

Two more regiments for The Boys army, it's starting to take shape now and we hopefully will be getting a few more games in soon.

This is the 6th Regiment La Marine which fought it's first battle of the Seven Years War on the 26th July 1757 at the battle of Hastenbeck which was won by the French. This was to be the only major action the regiment was to actually fight. It was at a number of other battles but was never fully engaged, though detachments did fight a number of actions.

The regiment wore grey-white coats with black facings making them a little different. The red waistcoats are hidden on most figures but you get a good view of one in the first picture.

The colonels standard is fairly plain which is good as I don't want the whole army to be a blaze of the more fancy ones. Talking of which......

Having the odd blaze of colour and detail makes the army look better so I think he can be forgiven for picking these guys.

These are Regiment 16 Dauphin which also was part of the same army as Regiment 6 but these were more involved in future battles so look to have seen more action.

The coats are white as have been most of the regiments I have painted for The Boy and this really helps make the light blue facings pop.

So overall I am impressed with the Lancashire Games casting's. Some of them shave the ammunition pouch somehow cast so that at the mould line they are staggered and whilst it is not very obvious it's still disappointing when the rest of the figure looks good.

Above is the four regiments I painted during the Analogue Painting Challenge making five painted up all together for him. I need to add a few more and more cavalry and then he will have a more balanced force.

Talking of the challenge, it finishes on Monday. I have two small submissions so rather limp over the line this year but I have still painted up far more than I had expected.


  1. A lovely pair of regiments Ian :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, still have lots to go


  2. I very much like the look of the French infantry!

    1. I am looking forward to facing them in a game


  3. Great work Ian and lovely to have you back.

    1. Thanks Michael, it's good to be back, though not yet at full speed


  4. Superb, this unit is superb! "Pour le Roy!"

    1. Got to get some more done for The Boy. Off work next week so I hope to get some painting done then


  5. The Dauphin regt has got to have THE best flag in their army, I am planning on painting the regt myself, only because of the flag.

    1. That's a good idea Ray, though looking at some of the flags for the foreign troops their is a lot of contenders for second best flag. Looking forward to painting a few of these units later when I have fleshed out the army with more regular battalions.



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