
Saturday 7 March 2020

Prussian Reserve Regiment 22 Adler Miniatures

Anyone who has followed this blog over the years will have seen a few Prussian Battalions shown here. I am still working through all the regiments that did not fight at Waterloo but were involved in the 100 days campaign. 

The 22nd Regiment was part of Pirch's 2nd Corps and whilst the rest of the 7th Brigade fought at Waterloo under the command of Brause the 22nd missed the action.

I continue to add flags to battalions that all most certainly did not have them but given I was well into the originals before I realised that why not continue. I still left the third battalion without even though it's not a fusilier battalion but that's me.

The standard depiction of our units of 4 skirmishers out front with 24 figures in the main body. These being Adler you get a little more Varity in poses. The skirmishes have three poses and the main body two or more versions to buy from.

One battalion I adopted a three deep line and two battalions have a mounted officer to add to the Varity. Basing is my normal outdoor paint (bitter chocolate tester from Homebase) with sand dribbled over, left to dry and surplus brushed off. I then drybrush a couple of lighter colours then add static grass and tufts.

I still have 44 more battalions to do so no where near finished, plus more artillery and cavalry but in far fewer quantity. Not that I own all the battalions required so I will paint up what I have before getting any more. This certainly moved onto a vanity project as I really do not need to paint up the rest and will never get them all on the table at the same time. I still also have plenty of French I really don't need as well as plenty of British to paint for my son.

The next up on the table will be two units of Companion cavalry I also don't really need :-)


  1. I often find myself buying, building and painting things I won't play with. But the way I look at it, if the initial cost is amortized over the time I got enjoyment out of all of the above, then it is money well spent.

    1. The enjoyment of painting fortunately for me is enough reward though when it's units like this seems a shame not to get any playing out of them. Still I could always sell them if in need so no loss there


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, always nice to do something you are relaxed about


  3. Ian, I well understand your comment on vanity projects. I just received a package from Leon with all I will ever need for French Guard cavalry and infantry - although I did draw the line at all of the Gendarme regiments - just got a representative sample. That is to add to the 138 battalions of various French already acquired - about 2/3rds of which are painted etc etc .


  4. Hi Richard, you have it bad I'm not sure I have managed as many French, though I have loads of French yet to paint



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