
Tuesday 7 April 2020

15mm Companion Cavalry For Sale

Another two units finished but this time in 15mm. These are from Magister Militum from the Chariot Miniatures range. Chariot have been my favourite Ancient figures from when I first got into Ancients in my late teens. Though in those days I was building my Persian army using the WRG rules. That was a tough gig.

I plan to sell these for £30 a unit post paid in the UK or £55 for the pair post paid. Outside the UK I would charge any postage at cost over £5.00 They were for my army but I don't really need them and to be honest it will help with the shortfall of my wage which actually is more like 50% not the 80% talked about due to commission etc that I would also have earnt.

I really love the realistic pike like lances that these guys are equipped with. They do rather get in the way when painting but it's worth it.

I have done my usual basing of sand and masonry paint drybrushed and then flocked and added three different coloured tufts.

The guys on the right are actually Prodromoi but these I have based up as standard cavalry. I do have a unit of these as light cavalry but they don't do well in Hail Caesar and to be fair they don't stick out much.

Good job the lances straighten without the paint popping off, these I did not notice until looking at the photo's.

So in HC and Field of Glory this would be a unit whilst DBA and DBM your looking at four!!

Not the bright yellow you see on a lot of cloaks of companions. Personally I am a bit sceptic of those. Typical of a basic paint job it's ink over a flat colour but looks alright.

The second unit's a bit more punchy in colour but not smack you in the face bright. I actually prefer these to the first unit.

Three of these have silver helmets to break them up a little. The first unit has two silver helmets. Looking at images on the nett I saw a fair few with mixed colours.

All these boys have leopard skins for saddle cloths, they were fun to paint lol. I still have a few units worth of other Greek cavalry (and others) and three or four units worth of hoplites so I may well be visiting 15mm Ancients again in the coming weeks.


  1. A fine looking force you got there! Lots of pointy sticks

    1. You got to love pointy sticks lol


  2. Tremendous! You must need to be careful with that many pikes.

    1. Thanks Michael, I don't lean over the table anymore :-)



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